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How are your gardening doing?

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Oh my do we have tons of tomatoes. I make something with them everyday and dh always says that the quanity on the counter is not decreasing.

Yesterday I made Fire-Roasted Tomato salso and today I plan to make regular salsa.

We have also had lots and lots of cucumbers. I made pickles and was very surprised at how good they turned out. They had to be eaten within 2 weeks so I gave lots away to neighbors. My neighbors have been bringing me the most delightful things in return so they must have really enjoyed the pickles. If anyone wants the recipe I will post it later.

We also have a very interesting vegie, an apple gourd. They should look great on the steps for Fall decorations.

The mini stuffing pepper have also done well.

Ds is having fun weighing the tomatoes. His current record holder is a 24.6 ounce German Green.

I hope everyone elses gardens are doing well too.

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how does your garden grow? :)


I went out this morning to pick corn for tonight's dinner. We've finally got a few cherry tomatoes, and a few slicing tomatoes. We'll be inundated with cherry tomatoes by the end of next week, so I suspect my neighbors will start locking their doors and hiding when they see me coming to the door. My lavender is ready to be cut, so I'll be making lavender wands today. My zucchini is perfect--only 2-3 zucchini on at a time, the next couple are almost ready.


We've got teeny green beans, so we'll have green beans to eat soon, and I'll be harvesting another round of carrots next week. Our lemon cucumbers are starting to turn yellow, with more to come. Second harvest of raspberries is almost ready too, and there are lots on the canes.


I've planted some spinach and chard and broccoli and more carrots for fall harvest, and I've got some tiny golf- and tennis-ball-sized pumpkins and melons.


I love my garden. It has given me such pleasure this year!


Would you mind sharing your Fire-Roasted Salsa recipe?




Garden at Poohsticks

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Well...I didn't water as much as should have, so...

Starting to get some tomatoes, harvested about 5 so far from 4 plants. Not like last year.

Starting to get some cucs, harvested 2, from about 8 plants.:glare:

There's one green pumpkin out there that might make it. Have some baby eggplant and tiny green peppers. Harvested a few dinners' worth of green beans. Corn looks pretty good, though. Tossed in the towel on growing lettuce and spinach some time back - just getting that from the farmer's mkt.


Onions, though...have enough of those for sure! Just need to figure out how to store them.


I neglected the watering after all the rain we had earlier this summer (and when my hose pipe broke) and my harvest is definitely suffering. Its all my fault and it doesn't make me happy.:crying:


Hope others have better stories than mine!

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The cucumbers have amazed me the most. I only have two plants, but I have harvested anout 3 dozen cukes! The cherry tomatoes have been plentiful and tasty. We have harvested a few sweet peppers each week and had lots of green beans a few weeks ago. There is one watermelon about the size of a softball and a couple squash. It has been a decent harvest for our first year of gardening.

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We just came in from ours: the spinach and lettuce are done but there was sooo much we couldn't give it away and alot went to seed.

Tomatoes- just starting to harvest. Getting an o.k. amount- not like I thought from 6 plants, but we are getting some from friends so I'll probably can tomorrow.

Beans- beautiful and bountiful. Next year I'm planting more so that we can put some up for winter.

Green Peppers- 6 plants and they are gorgeous. I've always had sickly looking pepper plants but this year they rock and we picked two they could win ribbons.

Carrots, radishes, zucchini, some raspberries (baby plants), some strawberries, kale, parsley, basil.

We have 4 pumpkins turning orange already and I am hoping that the cukes start maturing because we heard it's supposed to frost the first week in Sept. How unfair is that?? And it was a hard, cold, long winter last year! ugh. I LOVE summer!!!

Oh, and our BIG deal from the garden this year: GRAPES. My ds planted 4 plants and we harvested a couple pounds of beautiful concords - he is so thrilled.

I am such a mediocre gardener but I like to think that I make up for it with enthusiasm:001_smile:

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We had great success with our lettuce (after we fenced it off from the rabbits.) Our broccoli had LOTS of cabbage loopers which loved to hide in the heads and it was making my dc scared of eating broccoli so I got rid of it after we harvested them the second time.


I was very sad to also have to destroy my zucchini plants last week. The weather had been so humid for July that the leaves had this white fungus growing on it. Maybe the location wasn't ideal, too........


Love my cherry tomatoes which I can pick from everyday! Just harvested some more green beans two days ago. Was able to harvest some chives also this week.


Never thought I would love veg gardening. Already planning what to plant next year.



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Too much rain. Not enough sun. Everything is dead.


Just the opposite. Same basic result.


Here in the mighty hot-n-dry state of Texas, we have two growing seasons. Spring and Fall. We plant our garden in late March and hope the 'maters have produced by the first part of June. When the temps hit 95, tomato pollen dies, so we rarely have tomatoes from our garden after the fourth of July.


Right now, the squash and cukes are dead. In combo with the heat, either spider mites or a fungus came to visit. They are a horrible brown color. If I replant now, I'll have yummy squash in late September.


The okra and basil are loving the heat. Onions were harvested in early June.


So this weekend, we will replant squash, green beans, and cucumbers for our fall crop. We will trim, tidy and water the ragged looking tomatoes. We may get a few red rewards for our efforts.

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We planted about 3000 square feet. Then the rest of the family had to make a sudden trip, and dh refused to weed while we were gone.:glare:


We returned, I worked in the garden 2-4 hours each day for a week, and then woke up in the night with massive pain. Gall stones and inflamed gall bladder. I'd never had any kind of trouble before. Add to that a cystic mass on the pancreas with the resultant advice to remove the gall bladder, 2/3 of the pancreas, and all of my spleen.


Naturally, following the little tummy tuck, I'm not supposed to work out there.;) Suffice to say, it looks awful. Tomatoes and squash are rotting because I just can't find them among all the weeds. I'm not pleased.


Some days you are the bug, some days the windshield.



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Sorry, had to pun. Dh's influence. I was never like this before.


I am so jealous! The community garden next door is always full of happily growing veggies, and I can hardly get anything to grow. Too cold in winter, too hot in summer. I planted peas this winter and guess how many grew? One!! One pea plant that doesn't have any peas on it yet!

We'll probably be moving at the end of the year, so I hope destiny will lead us to somewhere I can actually grow vegetables!

:confused: Where could that be? :confused:


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