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How to make Christmas special when the mommy unit is sick...warning whine inside

Jann in TX

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The tree was finally decorated on Sunday (thanks to youngest dd)-- no other decorations made it out this year.

Big girls plan on coming over Christmas morning even if I'm still sick (I've had a fever/flu since last Thursday)-- so at least the 5 of us will be together.


I have exactly 1 stocking stuffer for each person (I actually have 3 for each dog...). At least we finished our other shopping early this year (Dh has been sick too).  Stockings have always been a favorite part of our Christmas morning tradition.  I may have to pass this responsibility on to oldest dd as she is still 'healthy'.


Normally we open the stockings while eating hot cinnamon rolls (Quiver's recipe)-- I guess I could have youngest dd make them this year...  After that we open the rest of the presents then have a fancy brunch (I don't see the brunch part happening as older dd's are NOT the cooking types).  I'll have to call oldest dd and have her pick up something when she gets off of work today-- maybe a frozen quiche that we can heat up during the present time...


Christmas afternoon we always go to Dh's step brother's house (tradition for almost 20 years now)-- it is always fun and only lasts a few hours.  I'll have to miss it this year.  The girls will hopefully be able to attend.  Dh is feeling better but says he will stay home with me.


I'm totally bummed.




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Aw mama I'm sorry. I'd be sad too.

It's time to rally the (healthy) troops and delegate some of the to do list.


There's an awesome thread on here right now about Xmas morning casseroles! Maybe your older kids could help you prep one this evening and just pop it in the oven in the morning.


But most of all, take good care of yourself.

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I'm sorry. It stinks to be that sick at Christmas.


I was like that last year, but my oldest came home from college and took over.  She made all of the cookies and Christmas eve dinner.  Fortunately I had the shopping done or it would not have happened.  It was so hard.  I was thinking about that yesterday as I was making the fruit salad.  We didn't have it last year because I couldn't make it.  I still had some of the canned fruit. Right now I think I'm coming down with a cold, but it's nothing like having the flu. 


I know it's hard.  :grouphug: Try and rest and not let it get to you. There will be next year.  

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I was absolutely wrecked with the flu one year for Thanksgiving and I managed to get through it with the aid of Tyelnol Cold and Flu.  It perked me up enough to get the meal on the table even though I had no interest in eating it.  This is the first year in ages where we haven't been sick for the holidays.  I feel for you.

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Been there, done that!   :grouphug:


One year I broke my ankle on December 1st, and it threw the whole month off.  I was semi-mobile on crutches, but in a lot of pain and didn't sleep at all well for several weeks.  DH is disabled and wasn't doing well at the time, so that year pretty much involved what I could get mail order, delivered, or drive-through. 


We did a indoor "pizza picnic" in the family room and watched Christmas specials on Christmas Eve.  And I gave the kids their stockings on January 6th because I was doing much better by then and didn't have to navigate the crowds at that point.  I just couldn't get the stockings done before that.


Oh, and big dummy sprained the same ankle yesterday.  I fell off the driveway while joking with the Fedex guy.  Go figure.  Thankfully it is just slightly swollen today.  DH is at an out-of-state medical appointment, and won't be back until tonight.  So the teens are cooking dinner!

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