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Exercise Thread ~ 12/22 - 12/28


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Hitting the trail in a little bit when my dad comes to watch the kids. I can count on him to skim the scum off my brown sauce as it goes (today is all day brown sauce making day for Christmas dinner). Later on tonight I am going skating. We are there for 2 hours but I am usually only moving for 90 minutes. My friend is a new skater so I spend some time helping her and chatting.


Honestly I am feeling like a new person with my back basically fixed. Stretching is so much better now and I have more fun with all my activity.

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Honestly I am feeling like a new person with my back basically fixed. Stretching is so much better now and I have more fun with all my activity.


Good for You!


I went to the gym with my oldest two dds and did 4 miles on the elliptical and then just some pull-ups, core exercising and stretching.  Walked a few miles after lunch with my hubby.  Taking the next two days off:)

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I've been fighting illness for the last week.  First some stomach thing, now I'm getting a cold.  I did manage a kettlebell workout on Sunday, and I'm planning on one today.  I got new sneakers for my workouts, and I'm excited!  I finally bought a pair of NB minimus shoes.  I've been wanting them for a couple of years, but when I saw them last week on SierraTradingPost, and they were going to cost me less than $50, I ordered them.  They came yesterday and I plan on trying them out today.  Early Christmas present for me! :D   

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So I ran with my new shoes! It felt different, but it didn't hurt.  I'm hoping by running just a little in these shoes I will help strenghten muscles in my feet and my calves.  


My kettlebell workout went well too.  I did my 1 mile run warmup, then swings and planks, followed by clean-squat-press combo and pull-ups, and finished off with renegade rows and Russian twists.  

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So I ran with my new shoes! It felt different, but it didn't hurt.  I'm hoping by running just a little in these shoes I will help strenghten muscles in my feet and my calves.  


My kettlebell workout went well too.  I did my 1 mile run warmup, then swings and planks, followed by clean-squat-press combo and pull-ups, and finished off with renegade rows and Russian twists.  

I've been told by friends that when they first went with more "bare" shoes they cut their mileage way back to acclimate their feet and slowly worked their way up.  


I had to look up your terms- renegade rows sounded very funny... 

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I've been told by friends that when they first went with more "bare" shoes they cut their mileage way back to acclimate their feet and slowly worked their way up.  


I had to look up your terms- renegade rows sounded very funny... 


I plan on only using them for my 1 mile run warm-up on the treadmill. When you do kettlebell it's best to be in bare feet in order to keep you alignment correct.  With these shoes I can run then do kettlebell without taking my sneakers off. 


I would have to be careful with no support shoes.  Right now I run in shoes with moderate control plus I have a pair of Superfeet (like orthodics) in them.  I hoping short runs on  the soft surface of the treadmill will be ok.  

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I would have to be careful with no support shoes.  Right now I run in shoes with moderate control plus I have a pair of Superfeet (like orthodics) in them.  I hoping short runs on  the soft surface of the treadmill will be ok.  


When I started in Martial Arts last Spring I was a bit worried about how my feet would do because we do a lot of barefoot running on the mat for conditioning.  I have super high insteps and my ankles have always had a tendency to roll.  It's ended up being very positive, after the initial soreness wore off and I think it has really, really strengthened my feet and ankles- though for street running I've decided to stick with very supportive shoes because of my other joints.  

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Hoping to get an hour long hill hike in today but when I check in I realize that I'm only about 80% motivated. Still, that's the plan so we'll see if I can follow through.


I'm impressed with all you ladies doing your various work outs involving equipment and dvds. I'm still at the 'get myself out the door and just do something' phase :D But I have to say the hikes are enjoyable. No one to interrupt my stream of thoughts and the landscape is gorgeous.

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Been trying to keep to schedule the best I can. Took Saturday and Sunday as rest days...

Monday did cycle and sculpt

Can't for the life of me remember what I did Tuesday!

On Christmas went for a 4 mike run with my 2 oldest boys. We all got new cold weather running clothes and it was COLD!

Today I did a cycle class and a sculpt class. It was a nicer slower paced one than my usual.

Definitely did not work off the booze and the extra cookies OR that piece of cheesecake... lol! I am sort of ok with that though.

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....... I'm still at the 'get myself out the door and just do something' phase :D But I have to say the hikes are enjoyable. No one to interrupt my stream of thoughts and the landscape is gorgeous.

I have come to the conclusion that I run because no one can BOTHER me.  It is some blessed time without one single person calling "Mom!"  or "Hon!". Off to hopefully do 4 or 5 miles.  I tend to just run what feels good and then check to see how far I've gone.

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I have come to the conclusion that I run because no one can BOTHER me.  It is some blessed time without one single person calling "Mom!"  or "Hon!". Off to hopefully do 4 or 5 miles.  I tend to just run what feels good and then check to see how far I've gone.



Amen!!!  I can't do workout videos because then I have an audience (admittedly a sweet audience) that wants to chat with me.  I do take my teens to the gym in the a.m. with me- but it's so early they haven't remembered how to talk yet.

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I have come to the conclusion that I run because no one can BOTHER me. It is some blessed time without one single person calling "Mom!" or "Hon!". Off to hopefully do 4 or 5 miles. I tend to just run what feels good and then check to see how far I've gone.


This is me too!! It is why I drag my tired butt to the gym instead of working out at home. I am certainly capable, have the equipment, and like to work out myself. However, my kids have yet to learn that my workout time is sacred. Do NOT disturb! So, off to the gym I go!!!

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Few yoga sequences and other moves. I wanted to do some rebounding, but just couldn't face doing that.


Amen!!!  I can't do workout videos because then I have an audience (admittedly a sweet audience) that wants to chat with me.  I do take my teens to the gym in the a.m. with me- but it's so early they haven't remembered how to talk yet.

Susan, are we twins? This is me exactly. I even drive my teens to the gym every morning.  :lol:


When it comes to working out, I'm a loner and cannot stand others making conversation. I try to be flexible about it at times and laugh at some of their comments, but it can get annoying and I just need that alone time. 



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So eating pie is not an aerobic activity? At least the blueberries are good for me.


Christmas Day was just a nice walk. The 26th and 27th were stretching only. My son's birthday kept me busy with party prep and cake decorating. Today I am going to do push-ups, crunches and hit the trail for about 3, maybe 4, miles.

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