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Intro to Programming

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Hi WTM friends,


My sons are taking an online FREE Intro to Programming class.  It's only a few weeks long.  One session starts this week & the next session starts around Jan. 6.  The recommended ages are 5th grade & up.


The boys started yesterday & they LOVE it!  It's hosted in an online classroom (Edmodo), so if you have a computer, internet, & an email addy you're set!  


If you'd like to check it out go to Fundafunda.com & click on blog.  You can also follow fundafunda on facebook.


**I know this sounds like an advertisement, I couldn't figure out a better way :/.  Please don't be turned off.  This is really & truly just a good, fun, free class to take over the holiday or in January when you're getting back in the swing of things.


I hope some of you will decide to check it out.  Based on the buzz the Mod Design on HSBC was getting last week I thought some of you might like this while waiting to begin Mod Design.  BTW, we also bought Mod Design :).  


ETA:  I didn't include a link here, but if anyone would like a link, and it's allowable, I'd be happy to.  

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She ran the Scratch class in the fall as well.  I passed at the time thinking my son would just take himself through the book.  Well, that worked for a while, but then he did need help & I wasn't the right person for the job :/.  We'll probably end up doing the Scratch class to make use of the book I bought!


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Interesting.  Is this a live class or video or what?  Is there a specific time of day involved?  I don't see that on the website - website is very vague!  It's hard to tell whether my one ds's level of experience would make this boring for him.  Maybe I could get the other ds going with this, however.


My dd's school math class uses Edmodo, FWIW, for assignment communications and so forth.

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She places assignments on a 'wall' in the classroom environment.  The assignments have links to various places on the web.  "Go to this link & do this.  When you are done, come back here & tell me xxx."  That sort of thing.  You complete the assignment & push the turn in button.  She gives feedback.


It isn't live, there is no specific time to be there to listen to a lecture or anything.  There are assignment due dates.  It is very laid back & a great way to introduce an online classroom environment.


This teacher loves to teach through games, so your kids learn while playing!  

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  • 3 weeks later...

There were about 15-20 kids start our session over the break.  This is the last week & we have 10ish still working on it.  It has been fantastic!  She said the session that was starting today had over 100 parents register!  WOW!  


I hope y'all's kids enjoy it as much as mine have!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine, too! I think they started a day or two late, but even if we hadn't, they could not have kept up, and it was definitely more than 3-5 hours per week for them. (They had only done "hour of code" prior, so they were true beginners, but I figured that would be the expected level in an "Intro to Programming" class.) They did enjoy what they did get through, and from what I saw it did seem well-though-out, but the expected rate was just way above what they were capable of.

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The code.org stuff is too much for my son, who is 10 and in 5th grade. He deosn't understand it and can't accomplish it independently. My husband spent over an hour with him yesterday, helping him work on one level of one stage. There is no way he will finish in time, and he is very bummed. My daughter, who is 11 and in 6th, is able to do the work, but she finds the amount to be overwhelming. My kids have never really spent a lot of time on the computer, so to her, 60-90 minutes on the computer is somewhat exhausting.


I think it's a good course, but I think it's geared toward the older/quicker kids. I would like to see the same amount of material in a 6-week course for the younger/slower kids.

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I'm sad to see so many folks feeling discouraged :(.  I know all kids work at different paces.  We took this class on Christmas break.  We weren't doing much else schooly until the final week.  Reading, this class, and music practice.  That's it.  So we had time to dive in & discover without the added pressure of "let's be sure we get our _________ done also".   :)  The boys were brand-brand new to this template of class & material, but with patience, they were able to sort it out & be successful without a huge time commitment.  I do think it would have been much more challenging if I had just added it on to our regular school load.  We are currently doing a 6 week class & it is more time consuming, especially with our regular school schedule.  There are days that I reduce the normal work load & let them dive into their website-building-class.  It's something I'd like them to learn, & I don't want to teach it, so it's my decision to put some other things on hold while they discover the power of the laptop beyond "consumer device".  They definitely get frustrated.  But perseverance is a skill worth developing.  Even though it is hard.


If you're feeling discouraged & wish it would have gone better, may I suggest watching for a repeat of the class (or a similar class) during a school break?  Maybe she'll offer it again in the summer & it'll feel less rushed.  


This is not in any way meant to be snarky.  I really do wish for each of your children to find success in their endeavors.  There is no feeling like the feeling of accomplishment.



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We are setting aside today to work on programming. Dd is going to help ds catch up with the code.org stuff. Unfortunately, we are even further behind because our furnace died on Sunday, so we spent 3 days at my dad's. Code.org didn't work there. And now my dd can't move on because she is waiting for some login info the teacher has to send. 

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Well, we devoted 2 1/2 days to catching up in the class. Dd spent an entire day doing nothing but helping ds, and dh helped him in the evenings. The kids are both now on track to finish the class. :) Dd even said she wants to move on to the Scratch class. :thumbup1:

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