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Cleavage Skin

Jean in Newcastle

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I was watching a bit of the Kelly Clarkson Christmas special last night and there was Kelly, Reba McIntire and Trisha Yearwood displaying their cleavage skin in all it's glory. I started to giggle. I've never checked out another woman's cleavage skin before. . .

Just remember, behind every one of them is a team of aestheticians (and just maybe a plastic surgeon).


Just like in homeschooling, Jean...comparison is the death of contentment!

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Do I need to spell this out for you? You, the mother of four?

Maybe some tassels would distract? Lovely lacy something? I always have to wear those (though lately they're nursing contraptions and hideous) or someone is apt to get a black eye. Having too much cleavage means no wrinkles because, well, gravity and who can see down at my knees?

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Hahaha!  When we met up, she was covered all the way to the neck!

Hey, it was cold!  And that sweater is one that I think goes well with my skin tones.  I'll have you know that I had a moment of panic while I was getting ready to see you because at first I couldn't find my sweater.  I thought that I might have to wear my fuzzy fleece Eeyore sweatshirt.   :lol:

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