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Does posting a "No Solicitors" sign actually help?

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Do the siding and roofing people actually read the sign and go away? Would it discourage people running for political office? We start school on Monday, and I'd like to limit my doorbell interruptions to the UPS guy and neighbors with real emergencies, KWIM?

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When we were in campaign school we were told to obey the "No Solicitors" signs and just leave campaign literature without knocking. Not all campaigns do that, though. And I'm sure that sometimes an "enterprising" bottom-rung volunteer will knock anyway, even if he's already been told not to do so by the volunteer coordinator of the campaign.

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Do the siding and roofing people actually read the sign and go away? Would it discourage people running for political office? We start school on Monday, and I'd like to limit my doorbell interruptions to the UPS guy and neighbors with real emergencies, KWIM?


It helps here, because even if they do ignore it, you just point to the sign and say goodbye and close the door. :D It gives you permission to be rude because they were rude first.




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My sign is a bit more than a simple "No Solicitation" sign, which I think helps.


I got my sign from a friend that was having a lot of trouble with multiple people coming to the door.


This is basically what it says...




We are completely Thrilled with our:



General Outlook on Life



More books,

yard work to be done

home repairs

or anything else you are selling, offering, or preaching




~ Thank you


It may be rude, but I put this sign up after I was home alone with my 3 kids (DH was on deployment so he wouldn't be home later on, in fact he wasn't coming home for another month) and some people from a local church came by (2 men and a women) I was in the middle of cooking dinner, so I politely said "We're not interested, thank you" and closed the door. Then went back to the kitchen. I went to set my dinner table, which you can see from the front door side windows, and I saw this woman with her nose pressed to the window and then I heard her try to turn the knob and open the door! I was appalled. What was she going to do, come in and hunt me down so I'd take her pamphlet. Thank God I keep the door locked!


After that, I emailed my friend immediately for the sign and it's been up ever since.

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Ours has really helped - occasionally we'll get a child selling something that might not be able to read/understand the sign, but other than that, I don't get other people soliciting unless I happen to be outside and they don't walk up the front walk and see the sign :glare:

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It works so well in our house that we've had to temporarily cover it on Halloween. Some parents confessed that they were afraid that "No Solicitation" meant that we frowned upon trick-or-treat bell ringers. That's not the case, so we cover it on that day. Otherwise, it's cut daily interruptions down to one interruption every couple of months. In those rare instances, I do what a previous poster mentioned...point to the sign and say, "Thanks, but we're not interested." Then, close the door.



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Mine works much better now that I can park in the garage during the day; from the front it's hard to tell that anyone is home, and since most houses on our street are empty all day we fit in :) So we play in our backyard instead for recess and we do not answer the door to strangers. If we want to buy something specific, like girl scout cookies, they always ask dh at work so we're covered.

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It doesn't seem to help much around here. Half the people don't understand the word "solicitors" and the other half say, "Oh, we're not soliciting anything, we just want to tell you about our FREE offer to have someone come and...sell you some new windows." LOL :banghead: I'd really like a sign that says, "You can only come to my door with an invitation or if you are selling Girl Scout cookies." :D

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