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Berkey Water Filters


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Right now our water has lots of chlorine in it and God knows what else the city puts in it.  I would like to get a system that is more than just on the faucet (they tend to break after a while) and there isn't much room in the fridge for a pitcher one.  Something like this Berkey that stands alone sounds like an option except it's a bit $$.  Curious if anyone on the board has one of these.  If we do go with this, I think I would go with the stainless steel one instead of plastic.

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Get a small one if cost is a big issue.  We're a family of nine and use the "travel" one.  We just fill it with water a couple of times a day as we're getting a drink.  Not hard, no big deal.  Love ours.  We've had it for about five years. 

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Thanks for the replies.  I don't have any specific questions.  My husband is a cheapo which can be good sometimes. He just got a little grumpy about the price and the price of filters.  Also the one chemical that is used in water, I forgot what it's called that starts with a C is also used in our water.  Just right now for a month they are using chlorine and will go back to it.  The website never tested to see if their units remove it and husband said for the price of the units the company should be able to test to see if it takes that chemical out.  All I know is that I had some water from one not too long ago and it was good tasting water. I hadn't had that good tasting water in a really long time.  We are campers too and a smaller one would be good and we can just use the water from the campgrounds instead of always buying gallons of water to take with us. 

It would be something we buy after the holidays and after taxes.

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We didn't like our Berkey.  DH and the kids felt the water tasted heavy. He tested the filtered water with his PPM meter and it wasn't any different than what came straight from the tap.  We returned it and have spring water delivered monthly instead.

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We love ours. I have the plastic one so I can see how much is in it :)


Only problem is remembering to fill it. Also, you can't overfill.  Last night, the bottom was full, and the top. If I hadn't checked, it would have flooded.


You can also get jugs and keep pushing water through to get a lot from it.


We got the fluoride filters as well.

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We didn't like our Berkey.  DH and the kids felt the water tasted heavy. He tested the filtered water with his PPM meter and it wasn't any different than what came straight from the tap.  We returned it and have spring water delivered monthly instead.


This is interesting.  What did you test the water for?  I mean, PPM of what was still the same after being filtered?  I was impressed that it even takes the dye out of water. 


I never really noticed the taste, one way or the other.  However, every time I scrub the nasty gunk off the filters that the Berkey keeps out of our drinking water, I'm a happy girl.

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