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I enrolled in an online Medicinal Herb Course!!

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I'm so excited! It is with Cheri Shelnutt. Here is the link for those interested:





And here is her blog--great stuff!




And here is a free audio MP3 interview with her (scroll down for the free dowload). You'll love this:




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What will you do with this knowledge? Will you become a consultant or something?


My immediate goal is to begin to use them for my family--tinctures, syrups, salves, decoctions, etc. I am not against traditional medicine, but I think it has its limitations, and I would love to be able to use what God has given us when I can. I hope to spend the next several months studying, reading, and dabbling in it. Then in the spring, I would like to begin growing some.


My longer range goal is to teach my daughter. She is 8, and we are going to let her learn this with me, as part of her school. She may like it so much that she decides to become certified in the future. It would be a great stay-at-home job for her when she has children. She could treat her own family and make some money on the side. :)


I don't know yet whether I will like it enough to become a consultant. We'll just have to see how it goes. I'm just beginning to collect books and look into it. I do think that you can do certification online, and that would be convenient, but I am far, far away from doing something like that. There is enough information in books to keep me busy for a long, long time. :)

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I have been wanting an affordable herbal course for 4 years. Believe me, I have searched. I had finally decided to do a course but just never could get the stomach to spend all that cash (around $300.00 with books and herbs included, but still...). So last fall I started purchasing books like Growing 101 Herbs (great) and the beautiful Family Herbal by Rosemary Gladstar (whose name I am in love with). My 15dd wants to learn about herbs with me, so I was under the gun to find something I could afford and use for a 1 credit elective course for her this year. This should fit the bill. Blessings~


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Have fun. Herbal medicine is so wonderful. I just became a Master Herbalist through the School of Natural Healing. I can't tell you how many times herbs have blessed my family!



That is wonderful. A Master Herbalist! Thank you for sharing the name of the school; I am eager to look into it :)

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I have been wanting an affordable herbal course for 4 years. Believe me, I have searched. I had finally decided to do a course but just never could get the stomach to spend all that cash (around $300.00 with books and herbs included, but still...). So last fall I started purchasing books like Growing 101 Herbs (great) and the beautiful Family Herbal by Rosemary Gladstar (whose name I am in love with). My 15dd wants to learn about herbs with me, so I was under the gun to find something I could afford and use for a 1 credit elective course for her this year. This should fit the bill. Blessings~



I have Gladstar's book checked out from the library right now. It looks like one that I want to own. I love all the recipes!

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