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High calorie,high fat, high protien snack and meal options.


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There are lots of websites with ideas for adding calories to meals and/or high calorie snack ideas. There are lots of simple ideas like adding powdered milk to regular milk to increase the calories. My kids use pepperonis in addition to ham or turkey on sandwiches. Adding cheese or cream to things can help. Do you already do milkshakes/smoothies? I have powdered supplement stuff that I add to smoothies for my kids, and they have a ton of calories.







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My son (always at or flirting with failure to thrive) has jumped on the weight lately. The only thing we changed was adding a glass of whole milk daily to his diet. We already concentrate on calorie density with him. He seems to need fat intake to gain. FWIW, I added the same to both kids. My other son put on weight too. When we figured it out, we dropped the milk with him and he's back to his normal proportions.


edited to add: I think drink calories are the easiest to take in. They always tell people struggling with weight to make sure they aren't drinking their calories after all. My son typically drinks most of his liquids ( he has the milk once a day and smoothie later in the day, the rest is water) after he finishes his meal. If he drank before eating, I'm sure it would work against us.



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If he likes anything with legumes (dried beans), try that.  Refried beans w/cheese and tortillas OR Spanish rice?  Chili?  Minestrone?  Lentil stew?  Baked beans?  Hummus?    No-meat options will help save your budget!  Add fat to the legume dish by sauteing veggies in olive oil, with cheese, sour cream or yogurt, olives for toppings.  Cheese is expensive now, but grilled cheese sandwiches or a broiled "pizza" on an English muffin or bagel or Fr. bread--these are staples of our diet.  


Here's a great peanut butter recipe:   http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipe/open-face-apple-tahini-sandwich


Many seeds and nuts, besides peanut butter, will add protein to cereal, snack mixes, baked goods, etc.  Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, for example.  Soaked nuts are more digestible than dry nuts and thus more nutritious, or so they say.  Same with oatmeal--soaked oatmeal supposedly allows us to digest more of the nutrition.    


We did a smoothie challenge, and some of the recommended "super-food" add-ins were chia seeds, ground flax or flax oil, hemp seeds, coconut oil, bee pollen, spirulina, maca powder, Goji berries...  I don't know which of these are high in protein or fat, because that's not what we were going for, so do some research and see if any fit your situation.


Fattening him up:  With my teenage girls, who tend to get busy and not eat enough at one meal to keep themselves healthy, snacks are essential.  A snack before going to class, a snack after returning from class, a snack before work, etc.  With my one teenage son, a midnight snack is his main meal.  Whether he likes what he have for supper or not, he knows he can have a burrito, quesadilla, scrambled eggs with lots of cheese, pizza-English muffin, or something when he gets the kitchen all to himself.  I also keep canned salmon and tuna around for him.      


Sorry this is long.  I'm in the kitchen a lot, and we read food blogs, so this topic can spark a bunch of ideas.  :)

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try sneaking coconut oil into the diet-- I make a hot cocoa with coconut oil, butter, whole milk sugar and cocoa.



smoothies with fruit and veggies and yogurt.


other nuts (like pine nuts or cashews)--especially honey roasted


add bacon to everything (j/k-- sorta)


hearty pasta dishes (lots of meat and vegetables in there too!)


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