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What Craft/Hobby Thing are you doing? week 16 - Thanksgiving week


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Hi All!


I hope everyone is nestled down with this bad weather coming across the country.  I know it's going to be hard to do much crafting this week with Thanksgiving preparations going on.  We have college kids starting to come home tomorrow night.  The house will be full by Weds.   Can't wait!


I'm hoping to get a little time tonight and tomorrow to work on some kitchen towels and place mats I'm putting on the loom.  But, 2 of the them will be Christmas gifts for my son and his new wife...so I'll need to cover the loom when they get here tomorrow.


What's everyone else up to?


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 I haven't been posting on this thread. But, if you want to know what I've been working on for others in the past few weeks, here is the list:


Made a queen size quilt for nephew who got married on the 9th.

Table runner and placemats plus a baby quilt for a craft auction the proceeds of which went to a local crisis pregnancy center.

Making table runners, overlays, and centerpieces for Christmas party I was hired to decorate for...

And this week, I'm making 5 ft. tall "winter wonderland" nature centerpieces for a winter wedding. Again, not something for relaxation, but for pay.


At some point though, I am taking an afternoon off from the for-pay crafting, and making my Christmas tablecloth. I have several yards of gorgeous white and silver music themed fabric with a silver stripe for the backing, and black border material that has silver treble clefs all over it. I have a tall vase that I'm filling with rock salt (looks like ice crystals and is dirt cheap around here) and inserting evergreens sprayed with fake snow, silver glittered pine cones, glittered tissue paper, and silver balls...hints of dark plum colored berries and tied with a matching plum bow. I haven't done much decorating for the past several years, and this year I had the bug. So, taking advantage of 50% off sales at Michael's and Hobby Lobby has made it fairly cheap to do a few things and many of my arrangements are over a decade old and have moved cross country more than once. They were beginning to look rather broken down and pathetic. So, I thought I'd make a few new ones.


After I get all of that done, I'll still have a few things to make for the Christmas party - treat bags tied with ribbon and cinnamon sticks, and a couple of wreaths. Seriously, the cash that this particular organization is dropping for my decorating skills and the cost of supplies is slightly mind boggling. I'm shocked they didn't have a creative mind amongst their employees who could do this for them and save a little moolah. Oh well, I don't mind the paycheck though sometimes I think I have a whole in my head for taking on such a project during the holidays! I must be a LOON!




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Well let's just say it looks like my craft closet has thrown up all over the house.  As for finished projects, I have finished 3 monster tote bags for my nephews and a hunt and seek monster thing for the middle of them.  I am going to be crocheting a monster lovey for the youngest one when I get my hands on my mom's rotary slicing thing.  Here are the bags.





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Jenn - those are adorable!


Today I am passing on my limited crafting abilities.  I have a friend coming over to learn how to weave.  I have a table loom that I'm going to loan her, with the possibility that she may buy it.  I'll be working on my place mats along side her.


How fun that you will be able to pass along your skill!  I need to whip up the stuff I am supposed to be doing for the kids before they get home.  Too much shopping and not enough crafting so far this weekend.

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I am home sick with a kids while the rest of the family is at Thanksgiving dinner, so I am working on more wreaths and garlands for a second craft show I took on.  the first was a moderate success, I guess, I don't have anything to compare it to, but I sold more things than the ladies on either side of me, so that is something.


Some things I noticed from the first sale

1. almost every single woman reached out and fingered the same wreath, but no one bought it, although some bought other things.  I thought that was interesting, I wonder what made people want to touch it, but then didn't buy it.  It was a fall color scheme, and made from the same cotton fabric as most of the other wreaths.

2.  A lot of people shop for ideas, not necessarily to buy things, so a lot of people asked me questions about how I make my things, so they could do it too.  At first this bothered me, but then I realized these people weren't going to buy anyway, so why not be nice and share? 

3.  A lot of people also aren't very nice.  If you don't like what I have, or think it is too expensive, or anything else, what would telling me do?  I did have a couple of ladies who were older and had done a similar project when they were younger confuse my technique with what they did and offer me helpful suggestions.  These were meant in all kindness and helpfulness.  The ladies who commented that my craft isn't really that hard, but time consuming and I must have a lot of free time on my hands in a very condescending tone, I could have done without.  Also the one who clucked her tongue and said "That doesn't take to much skill to do."  Yeah, her too.


I am looking forward to finishing the candle wreaths for the kids Sunday school teachers and getting back to sale items.

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I am home sick with a kids while the rest of the family is at Thanksgiving dinner, so I am working on more wreaths and garlands for a second craft show I took on.  the first was a moderate success, I guess, I don't have anything to compare it to, but I sold more things than the ladies on either side of me, so that is something.


Some things I noticed from the first sale

1. almost every single woman reached out and fingered the same wreath, but no one bought it, although some bought other things.  I thought that was interesting, I wonder what made people want to touch it, but then didn't buy it.  It was a fall color scheme, and made from the same cotton fabric as most of the other wreaths.

2.  A lot of people shop for ideas, not necessarily to buy things, so a lot of people asked me questions about how I make my things, so they could do it too.  At first this bothered me, but then I realized these people weren't going to buy anyway, so why not be nice and share? 

3.  A lot of people also aren't very nice.  If you don't like what I have, or think it is too expensive, or anything else, what would telling me do?  I did have a couple of ladies who were older and had done a similar project when they were younger confuse my technique with what they did and offer me helpful suggestions.  These were meant in all kindness and helpfulness.  The ladies who commented that my craft isn't really that hard, but time consuming and I must have a lot of free time on my hands in a very condescending tone, I could have done without.  Also the one who clucked her tongue and said "That doesn't take to much skill to do."  Yeah, her too.


I am looking forward to finishing the candle wreaths for the kids Sunday school teachers and getting back to sale items.


Interesting.  I wonder too about #1.


The Candle Wreaths...is that an Advent Wreath? 

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They are smaller rag wreaths that go around the base of jar candles.  I tried to find a picture of one and post here, but I couldn't get it to work right.  I don't have any pictures of my own.  You can google rag wreaths and see all kinds.  Or look on etsy.  I love fabric, and I like making these because I can sit and watch tv or hang out with the kids, and since they don't take very long, or a lot of fabric, I get to work with all different kinds.

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Ack!  Tomorrow is December 1 and I have much to do!!


The good news:  although we traveled for the Thanksgiving holiday, we spent several days in a cabin in a snow filled Midwestern state park.  We ate, we played games, and, while my husband and College Boy played games, I knitted.  One mitten done with a second cast on; 75% finished with the beaded cuffs from Piecework magazine that I have mentioned previously; and I am working on the foot of a sock, its mate having been completed.  These are all projects that will be completed before Christmas.


I have some sewing that I also want to do.  Yikes!  Maybe I need a schedule.





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They are smaller rag wreaths that go around the base of jar candles. I tried to find a picture of one and post here, but I couldn't get it to work right. I don't have any pictures of my own. You can google rag wreaths and see all kinds. Or look on etsy. I love fabric, and I like making these because I can sit and watch tv or hang out with the kids, and since they don't take very long, or a lot of fabric, I get to work with all different kinds.

I just googled some. They are pretty!

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