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Christmas gift idea- craft box?


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I'm thinking about giving my kids each a box of craft supplies for Christmas. Both of them love anything involving scissors and glue and we don't do creative stuff often enough and I thought this might help. I had 2 ideas, one to just fill a box with lots of random but cool stuff, like googly eyes and glitter glue OR print out project ideas from Pinterest/family fun and package the stuff to do it in a ziplock bag. I'm not sure I really want to go to all that work though. What do you think? Would one be better than the other? I think the one with ziplock bags would be less messy and perhaps more fun because it might spark ideas that they wouldn't have thought of on their own? Any ideas of great stuff to add? My kids are 6 and 3. I'll probably do a box for each of them.

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I just made a box like this up for a b-day gift.  It seems to be a hit with those we have given one to in the past.  I got a 12x12 craft container with a handle, some fancy edge cutting scissors, a set of alphabet stamps, and a stamp pad from the craft store.  I will add some scrap book paper too.  In other boxes, I included colored tape found in the scrapbook section and other crafty goodies - depends on what I find on sale.

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Instead of paying for in-the-mail craft kits, I'm going to make my own throughout the year and give them to the kids or sneak them in the mailbox. If your kids are like mine, they'd want to start (and maybe finish, probably not) every kit in the box. Spreading it out would make it more fun...and last all year. I'll be sure to time the "deliveries" to correspond to days where we'll need a few extra hours of activities to fill our day.

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You might consider jut putting a lot of things in there but add a couple of instruction sheets, too, to prime the creative pump.


Another thing you might add, since you did say that the kiddos like to do crafty things but you dont do them often enough, is a coupon book for opportunities to craft with mom. Only include them if ypu will really, really, do them, though.


My kiddo loved, Loved, LOVED, the craft kit and coupins I gave her.

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I would love to do this for dd but for right now she has lost all rights to unsupervised coloring because she colored on her bed. All her crayons, markers, and other writing utensils are on the top shelf of my closet.

I understand! All of our markers have been put up for the foreseeable future because my ds wrote on the furniture. He wrote "yes" and "no" and then tried to tell me that the 3 yo wrote it. Nice try, buddy, but she can't form letters yet, much less words! Fortunately, it was washable and it came off pretty easily.

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I think she used the washable markers on her bed, but I have noe found chalk writing on her bookshelf and crayon on her desk. Does anyone know how to remove dry erase marker from a wall? She decided to trace the board :(


dry erase marker seems to be permanent other than on the dry erase board :(  have you tried a magic eraser? That would be my first step to try.

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I think she used the washable markers on her bed, but I have noe found chalk writing on her bookshelf and crayon on her desk. Does anyone know how to remove dry erase marker from a wall? She decided to trace the board :(


I hate dry erase markers with the power of a thousand suns! My kids ALWAYS get them on something, usually their clothes and it does seem to be more permanent than sharpies! I wish I had some advice for you!



i'm giving my DS 7 a few shirts with some of his favorite characters drawn on with a fabric marker and then he can color them in with fabric markers...I think he will enjoy that a lot. we made shirts last year with organs on them that were a big hit..just another thought.

That is a great idea!

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