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Now my fairy godmother has cancer.

Lizzie in Ma

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It's breast cancer and "they got it early".  She is my Mom's best friend and had been my fairy godmother since the day we met.  I love her as much as my Mom.

I know lots of people survive cancer, it is just that it hasn't been my experience of late.  My beloved sil's cancer started in her breast and she was dead 2 years later and more recently a friend everyone said would be ok died as well from her cancer.

I am afraid to lose her too.  Not handling the news well.  She has a lumpectomy scheduled the 5th and I guess we will know more then.

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I'm sorry for another member to the club. There are those who follow a different path, largely out of anyone's control (I'm stage IV 3 years). The good thing is that every year, that path gets a smidgen longer, but not for all, which sucks. Early detection is good.


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