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Height of irritation with irresponsible son, WWYD?


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Dh is 61. He forgets - and has our entire married life and before according to MIL - everything. His wallet, his lunch, the milk he went to the store to pick up... 


His particular thing to lose is $20 bills. Not any other denomination mind you, just $20's. He's lost over $200 in almost 20 years of marriage and gets irritated when I make him put it in his wallet.


Oldest is forever losing his phone - in the house - so glad we have find my iPhone. He's 17.


Middle is the one who seldom loses anything unless its on purpose. He's 14.


Youngest only loses things he's not concerned with. He's 11.


Me? I'm 46. I lose everything. I'm constantly looking for my keys and you wouldn't believe how many times I've wondered out loud where my phone was and I was actually talking on it.  :blush:


I'm pretty checklist oriented when the boys or myself - take things anywhere as a result. It's a survival mechanism. I've tried to teach them - and myself - routines for putting things in a particular place - we have a basket for wallets and keys and phones. I hang my keys on the peg just inside the front door - when I don't accidentally leave them in the front door. 



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When our kids did theater, there were typically 100 kids in a production, from ages 8-18. At the end of every session, we put all the collected lost items on tables and made the parents walk by them and see what was theirs. (Mind you, THREE times every week we told the kids to check the lost and found table- THREE TIMES PER WEEK)  It was pretty interesting watching the parents pick up handfuls of lost shoes, shirts, jackets, backpacks, water bottles, etc. And they'd show their kids and ask- Isn't this your jacket? The kids mostly just shrugged and said they didn't even remember they lost it. 


It was not uncommon to find phones, ipods, and handheld game systems in the collection- and the parents by that time had usually replaced the lost item.  


I don't expect a 6 year old to keep up with everything, but by the time kids are teens, I kind of thought they'd stop losing stuff. Makes me wonder if we have too much 'stuff'. 

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The coat has to be replaced because that's what he's wearing for pictures this afternoon, pictures that are going to be giant canvases (20x30) hanging on my living room wall. We don't have a replacement outfit that I want in the pics.


Since this is only an issue because you are making it one, don't make him pay for it. He only needs that coat because you say he needs it for a photo. Really, any coat would keep him warm. If you insist that it must be that specific coat, then you need to pay for it.

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My kids change clothes a weird amount of times per day, also. Now that they do their own laundry, it's their own deal. But when I was doing their laundry, I just started confiscating stray clothing that was strewn about the house. Eventually they got down to nothing to wear. So sad, since you can't go out in your underwear, I guess we'll have to stay home. That helped a little, but just a little.


Were I you, I would take away all his clothes. Keep them where only you can get to them. Dole out one outfit a day. He is responsible for knowing where it is (either on his body or elsewhere), and he gets no changes unless you approve them and he exchanges the first set for the second set.

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