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Looking at other curriculum...why do I do this?

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We are doing so well this year staying on track for what we want to accomplish. I have started planning next year and I am happy with my future purchases. ;-)


WHY do I go looking at other things to complicate the matter? WHY do I consider changing course b/c something else looks good....only to decide HOURS later I don't want to do that way and just stay with what we have. Do you know how many times I have looked at Sonlight and spend hours trying to decide what I would buy *if* I ever made the switch only to completely laugh at myself the next day and throw away those notes, lol????!!!!


I know I am not the only neurotic one who has these 24 hour moments!


WHY do I go look at temptation of the 'greener' grass? Anyone else do this?


Ok, off to bed...do not look at other things. Don't change what it working. Stay the course. Throw away that darn catalog and block the website.



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Yep - I do that too. I am glad to say though that I have improved from someone who actually bought things during those moments to one who just laughs at myself and says 'don't touch that order button' LOL. One thing that has helped me is that when I feel really get that urge - I email her. Then usually she sends me a virtual smack in the head LOL.


So - no you aren't alone and I'm sure glad to know I'm not either.

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I agree with WTMINDY, it's soo much fun! :D Plus...you can avoid housework for a little while longer. It's research. I can't possibly homeschool effectively if I don't know the particulars of EVERY curriculum, even if I have a fair idea of what we'll be using next year. Must be prepared. :cool:

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You are not a lone! I do this every now and again with the SL catalog! *Ü* Going as far as to price it all out! lol


Yes, I still do this....in fact... the last time was this last July *Ü* and I had all I needed already!


Human nature I guess.... wanting more, wanting better.... I have to remind myself and tell myself to be content. Things are fine, leave well enough alone..... its just so fun to think about it though...


Sleep well!

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Trust me...you are DEFINITELY not alone. I am thumbing through my Rainbow book each night at bedtime, wondering, contemplating, and researching the next best thing I can add to our day. I don't know why I do it. Is the grass ever greener? Maybe I feel if I keep hopping fences I'll eventually end up in the greenest grass. If I am not careful though, I may end up in the grass that has the most dogs living there. :eek: Okay, my post is getting too metaphoric. Must sleep now.

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Human nature I guess.... wanting more, wanting better.... I have to remind myself and tell myself to be content. Things are fine, leave well enough alone..... its just so fun to think about it though...




So true! I think we do this with much in our lives, cars, products, etc. Just say to yourself, you are just looking, doing a little window shopping.

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Well if you are like me, it means you are bored because things are going ok. Or desperate because they aren't LOL!


I do this too -- especially with the Rainbow Resource and Sonlight catalogs. I didn't post in the "share a curriculum that has blown you away" thread because as soon as I've used a curriculum, it no longer is amazing/ground breaking/stimulating. :rolleyes: Even stuff I'm enjoying using today (Lively Latin, The Elements: Ingredients of the Universe) -- I really don't want to use again with another child another year.

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Yup. Me too. I have a quote on my blog that talks about what eclectic homeschooling is, and part of what defines an "eclectic" homeschooler is always searching for the curriculum that clicks and works...constantly looking to improve and change.


I think that's a compliment don't you? :)

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But it's so much fun to look! I feel like if I know what is out there, I feel more confident in my selections b/c I've seen everything. Lol. I have all sorts of catalogs but my ultimate favorites are science stores (Home Science Tools, Carolina Biological Supply) and manipulative catalogs like ETA/Cuisinaire, those are what gets ME into trouble. I want COOL toys!

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for this very reason. I have tried to promise myself not to plan for next year until this summer. And dh and I have discussed it and both agree that we want to streamline things a bit and take a LCC approach. So, I'm sure I will look at the Sonlight catalog. It does give me great ideas for read-alouds, after all. But I'll try not to have my yearly crisis when I do. LOL. :)

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This is exactly why I usually try to avoid the Curriculum Boards!! I love hearing about what everyone is using but then I go on all these tangents and explore all these "OTHER" curriculums that I just *might* like!! It was SO hard trying to figure out which Language Arts program I wanted to go with and which spelling program might work best for dd7. Granted - nothing has been purchased officially yet BUT.....I think I have a final list together. (until someone posts something I have to consider....) lol


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