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Weekly Report 10.11.13

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Maybe, I'll have time to update my much neglected blog this weekend, but a quick summary just in case.


Dd11... Is moving right along in MM6, WWS1, VfCR, SS, and AG. She finished her first bridge in LoF Fractions and did very well. She is enjoying Emily Dickinson and is understanding her work much more so than Tennyson. She is complaining of how boring grammar is. All I can tell her is its necessary and won't last forever. She understands, but I don't think it made her feel any better. Lol

DD8... Is flying through MM2a... Maybe I should have started her in 2b? She is starting to see her own improvement in spelling which is doing wonders for her confidence in writing. Her reading is coming along. She is still guessing at words, even ones that she knows if she slows down to actually look at all the letters. She is doing better than she was, though, so we'll keep plugging along. I keep hoping for a light bulb moment, but I'm not sure that is going to happen. We may have to work for every single inch of progress with this one.

DD7... Is having a little more trouble with MM2a, but she is a true second grader so this is to be expected. She is getting lazy in her writing. She actually was doing better a couple of weeks ago. I need to figure out what the rebellion is over specifically. We don't do a great deal. Some copy work and dictation with WWE and then her reading log 3-4 times a week which is about 2 sentences each. She acts like I have asked her to write a novel, though. On the bright side, she LOVES ETC and is doing exceptionally well with her reading.


All girls took time off their personal records at their last cross country race. We visited Etowah Indian Mounds which was a fun and inexpensive afternoon. They got to walk through the museum, see a movie, visit the mounds, play some Native American games, and then throw rocks in the river. What is it with kids and throwing rocks in the river anyway?


We are doing some lessons and experiments on gravity, the earth's rotation, etc... in conjunction with our study of plants in an effort to tie in the concepts of seasons, day length, and photosynthesis. All for the grand finale of the leaf color changes about to explode all over our area. We already collected 5 leaves and identified the trees they came from. We'll collect 5 more once the color change has occurred for comparison. Next Friday, we'll be wrapping up with a trip to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Then zoology, here we come.


In history, we are getting close to moving out of Pre-history and into early nomads. Even though, we've enjoyed this unit, I think we're all looking forward to it.

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two weeks in a row we've missed the Weekly Report!!!!  I have to get back to it. We've been so scattered the past two weeks. I"ll edit my link in when I get it done. 


Here's Week 7



Week 8



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Well, it's not Friday here.  Technically, it's not Saturday anymore either but Weeks 6, 7, and 8 are finally written up!  Luckily I took notes or I'd never remember everything.  I was a little frazzled from my symphony concert last weekend to write but figured I'd better get things summed up before our fall break next week.  I'm actually really happy with where we're at right now.

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