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Considering trading my TV.


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When the guy offered the 19" to trade, he tried to say it was only 2 sizes smaller than mine. He said 19", 29", 32". That annoyed me, so I turned it down and posted the organizing thread.


If I can free up one wall, next to the stupid, inefficient heater, the tv can go there.


Even better would be the landlord installing efficient heat and getting rid of the "room heater" that heats the whole house. Since that's not happening, I have to figure out how to fix what I have.


I've been here 3 years and still can't get the living room set up in a way I like.

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Clearly, none of you are married to my dh, because otherwise you would know that happiness in life is in direct proportion to the size and number of televisions in your home. :D


lol, that is me at our house.  Not number, but size.  My husband is the same way with his fish-tank.

If he up-sizes the fish tank, I up-size the tv, especially since I take care of the fish-tank!

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Have you considered a projector? You can put it away in a closet when not in use, and you can make the screen any size you want it. My kids love outdoor movies where we project the movie on the side of our garage. We bought a $250 projector that works great, so it is not an expensive piece if equipment.

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Have you considered a projector? You can put it away in a closet when not in use, and you can make the screen any size you want it. My kids love outdoor movies where we project the movie on the side of our garage. We bought a $250 projector that works great, so it is not an expensive piece if equipment.


Would you mind telling me which one you have in this price range?  This would probably be a good fit for us. 

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