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Total vent-Yahoo groups


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Just change your settings so you don't get the email notifications.  That is how I have Yahoo groups set up.  I just go to the actual group page and ready the posts, a few times a week.  The other option is to just have a daily thread emailed to you, where you get one email and it has all the messages from that one day in it.   Easy way to fix the issue on your end...because frankly if I asked for a prayer request, and I got nothing but crickets chirping, I'd be a bit hurt...I'd much rather get a quick response from the world that they heard my plea and are helping.

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Quite normal. I'm afraid.  I used to run a Yahoo Group, and we had to put it on moderate for this sort of thing.  


We told people that we'd let through the first 3-4 replies, and then the rest would be deleted.


There was also sometimes inappropriate information that went out ("I had a big fight with my DH last night I want everyone to pray for us because...").  I deleted those too, per the guidance of the director of the group, who was a very wise pastor's wife.


Moderating was a thankless job, but it had to be done for that particular group. 

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Just change your settings so you don't get the email notifications.  That is how I have Yahoo groups set up.  I just go to the actual group page and ready the posts, a few times a week.  The other option is to just have a daily thread emailed to you, where you get one email and it has all the messages from that one day in it.   Easy way to fix the issue on your end...because frankly if I asked for a prayer request, and I got nothing but crickets chirping, I'd be a bit hurt...I'd much rather get a quick response from the world that they heard my plea and are helping.


Yup, just change email settings to daily digest.

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I am sick to death of our homeschool Yahoo group. One person sends a prayer request (which is fine--it is a religion based group) but then 40 people send back "Praying here" emails. Really, there is no need to respond to a prayer request!


Are we in the same group? :tongue_smilie:


I also can not *stand* all of the personal conversations going back and forth! I don't need to know who is going on a field trip, who needs XX assignment for a class, nor do I need to know what the assignment is for XX class (why don't teachers have a class e-mail list?!). Some days I receive upwards of 20 e-mails going back and forth between just two people and it drives me crazy!


I am seriously considering putting the list on digest and just taking my chances on missing something important. Sigh.

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We're all coonected to the same huge, flaky homeschooling Yahoo group - I can feel it! ;)


My favorite is how it takes at least 50 posts to plan on stinkin' get-together...10 to suggest a day, time, and venue; 10 more to say why none of those times work; 10 more to suggest a new day, time, and venue; 10 more to say that totally works and no one can wait to come!!!!! Yippee!!!!! And can everyone remember not to bring anything anyone is allergic to, so everyone plans to bring water to drink and some nice ice to snack on; and finally, ONE HOUR BEFORE IT'S TO START - 10 messages about how everyone is sick, busy, or just can't make it. UGH!

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