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Once Upon a Time-what did you think???

Mom in High Heels

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Yay!  So happy other people watched and want to talk about it!  I plan on watching it again this afternoon.  I too was a bit distracted, as I was ironing while I watched (Ironing!  Honestly, what is wrong with me?).  HOOK!  Woohoo!  That is all!


I can't WAIT for OUAT Neverland  Wonderland.  There had better be loads and loads of the Mad Hatter though or I'm going to be seriously upset.  I do hope there aren't a million story lines going on though, like OUAT.  


It's okay...whatever's wrong with you is wrong with me too!  I ironed about 8 shirts yesterday....sigh...


Yup!  I watched with my dd on her laptop (we don't have conventional TV).  That's one show we really love to watch.  I'm a Hook fan too...for obvious reasons....but I also like Rumple.  Loved the first episode, as we were ready to leave Storybrooke.  DD now wants to try Wonderland.


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I loved the premiere. I also *love* Hook, what a hottie! ;) I think he & Emma would make a great couple. Like a pp, I also suspected the "lost" boy who befriended Henry was really Peter Pan. It will be interesting to see how all of the pieces fit together this season. I can't wait!


I do plan to watch OUAT in Wonderland, too. More fairy tale fun! :D

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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I love your description and your reckless abandon with exclamation points. So you get a "like" from me for the sheer entertainment value of your post. :D


Agreed! I really don't know anything about this show, but High Heels, you get two thumbs up for enthusiasm!

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I'm up to episode 18 of season one. Let me just say this hoping that I am not offending any of the rest of you...Charming drives me nuts. I truly do not like the boy, and I have this very strange feeling that by the season's end, I might be thoroughly sick of Snow too!. Love Rumple, Belle, the Queen, Emma, Grumpy, Henry, Granny, Red, ...but Snow/Mary Margaret, and Charming David sort of make me want to reach through the screen and smack some people. Stop acting all wimpy, googly eyed, and snively. Good grief! LOL, I must not be much of a romantic. The Cinderella story seems like a much more realistic adaptation to modern life - teen pregnancy, honorable boy works double shifts, tired mamma who finds out baby having and raising isn't a piece of cake, no time together, but roses and a kiss on his work break time...yep, that's real life.


I was miffed for a bit over the killing of Graham. Yeah, I know his character wasn't likely to go anywhere in terms of plot development, but still...I kind of liked him just a little bit.


Now, if DH would just stop watching Dr. Who re-runs, I could watch another episode! Oooohhh, where is Rumple when you need him??? I would make a deal in order to get the remote from DH. :sneaky2:


Okay, and one more thing. Rumple has a TERRIBLE haircut in modern times, yet I am strangely attracted to that hair. Yikes! I have not had a hot toddy or a glass of wine, so that does not explain it. What have you ladies gotten me into????? :001_huh:



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Now, if DH would just stop watching Dr. Who re-runs, I could watch another episode! Oooohhh, where is Rumple when you need him??? I would make a deal in order to get the remote from DH. :sneaky2:



Faith, I'm going to have to pretend that you really didn't mean to diss Doctor Who.  You didn't, right?  Right??  :huh:



For those that want a sneek peak at Wonderland - 20 minutes available at http://bit.ly/19kiv31 courtesy of the OUaTiW facebook page. 

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So who watched last night? What did you think? 


After I saw Rumple remove his own shadow I'm convinced Neal is still alive and I can see him teaming up with the rest of the good guys to avenge Tamara's death. Unless of course owning someone's shadow gives you control over them in which case he may prove to be a powerful tool for Pan. I loved Rumple in this episode. He was amazing. Having the doll follow him was a little creepy, I'm not sure what exactly to make of that. 


I thought the whole magic map thing was a bit much. She had to own her identity as an orphan, but that's really the one thing she hadn't questioned. IDK it just didn't make much sense to me. 



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So who watched last night? What did you think? 


After I saw Rumple remove his own shadow I'm convinced Neal is still alive and I can see him teaming up with the rest of the good guys to avenge Tamara's death. Unless of course owning someone's shadow gives you control over them in which case he may prove to be a powerful tool for Pan. I loved Rumple in this episode. He was amazing. Having the doll follow him was a little creepy, I'm not sure what exactly to make of that. 


I thought the whole magic map thing was a bit much. She had to own her identity as an orphan, but that's really the one thing she hadn't questioned. IDK it just didn't make much sense to me. 


Neal is alive, isn't he?  He's with Mulan in the kingdom (what do we call that?).



I loved Rumple!!!  He's just so awesome!!!   I still don't get what his issue is with Pan and why they are making it out that Pan is stronger.  Was that THE dagger he gave his shadow?  If so, WHY did he bring it? Why, Rumple, WHY?!?!?  Seems like a less than smart thing to do.  I'm glad they explained the doll.  It was creepy that it kept following him.


I agree about the magic map.  She's never had an issue being an orphan, unless it was the fact that she was still angry about it.  Knowing what she knows now though, I can't see why she's still angry.  Well, sort of, but still, it seems a bit thin plot wise.  Do you hear me writers??  She's done magic before (when she helped Regina in the mining tunnel), so I thought she was going to have to accept that she had magic or something like that.  Makes more sense, IM(NSH)O.


What is Pan's deal?!?!  Why is he taunting Emma?  What does he want?!?!?  What was the deal with the fight and why did they just stop?  Fight, fight, fight!  Nope, stop and run away!  HUH?  I'm not understanding this storyline!  I also want them to show us what's going on back in Storybrooke.  How is everyone else and how are they going to all get together again?  


ETA:  More exclamation points!!!!  I didn't add enough the first time, and didn't want to let anyone down with my OUAT love and excitement.  Wheeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Neal is alive, isn't he?  He's with Mulan in the kingdom (what do we call that?).


Whoops! Not Neal, I meant Greg. He was the one who had his shadow removed, and since Rumple removed his it  obviously  doesn't kill you. Neal is with Mulan which begs the question why didn't we see them in this episode? Is he en route to Neverland? And what about Robin Hood? I heard we'll be seeing a lot of him this season.


I loved Rumple!!!  He's just so awesome!!!   I still don't get what his issue is with Pan and why they are making it out that Pan is stronger.  Was that THE dagger he gave his shadow?  If so, WHY did he bring it? Why, Rumple, WHY?!?!?  Seems like a less than smart thing to do.  I'm glad they explained the doll.  It was creepy that it kept following him.


I was assuming it  was THE dagger which was a really stupid thing of  him to bring with him. Did we ever see where he rehid it after it was  discovered in the clock? I don't remember but it's been a long time since season 2.  It was odd of him to say "Hide it where even I can't find it", is there a special realm for shadows? Oh and what were  those voices / cries that Emma heard? Obviously only her and Pan could hear them. 


I agree about the magic map.  She's never had an issue being an orphan, unless it was the fact that she was still angry about it.  Knowing what she knows now though, I can't see why she's still angry.  Well, sort of, but still, it seems a bit thin plot wise.  Do you hear me writers??  She's done magic before (when she helped Regina in the mining tunnel), so I thought she was going to have to accept that she had magic or something like that.  Makes more sense, IM(NSH)O.


Yeah I was thinking it had to do with accepting magic as well.  Or accepting she was the one who triggered this whole series of events to unfold in Storybrooke. Not the orphan thing.


What is Pan's deal?!?!  Why is he taunting Emma?  What does he want?!?!?  What was the deal with the fight and why did they just stop?  Fight, fight, fight!  Nope, stop and run away!  HUH?  I'm not understanding this storyline!  I also want them to show us what's going on back in Storybrooke.  How is everyone else and how are they going to all get together again?  


I wish I knew what his deal was!!  Being in Neverland  how did he  even know about  Emma. We know he has been looking for Henry for a long time, what is there connection? It seems like the connections between Neverland and the Enchanted Forest are tenuous at  best so how does he have all of this information about her?


ETA:  More exclamation points!!!!  I didn't add enough the first time, and didn't want to let anyone down with my OUAT love and excitement.  Wheeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Haha I love your !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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People, I'm only in season two; I must confess the following and then seek professional help.


I thought the kiss between Belle and Rumple was very romantic.


Gack! It is now time for psychotherapy.

I love Belle and Rumple! If you need psychotherapy, so do I. 

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I loved last nights episode. 


The creepy doll following rumple tells me that we will get more of his back story with his father (which makes me happy since I love to know what makes these people tick).  I am a bit confused as to how his shadow will hide the dagger where even he can not find it.


I liked that Emma needed to admit that she is still really ticked off about being abandoned.  It is one thing to get all the answers as to the whys and whats and another thing to process it.  Coming to terms with her past will allow her to embrace her future self and be a true believer in who she really is.  I think she will need to be a true believer to win the game with peter pan.




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I liked  last night but is so Emma's alternate a Lost Girl? Is that the deal? Mary Margaret is Snow, David is Charming etc. Emma should have been a Lost Girl then? That whole thing seems dumb to me. I mean give it up. OK they sent you away it wasn't out of some horrible reason stop crying over it!!!! I love watching Belle and Rumple kiss it is so sweet LOL!!! I don't get the cutting off of the shadow because I thought that was bad?? I think he brings that dagger everywhere myself. Regina is getting on my nerves, not sure why but just UGH! Yes Neil is alive and well in the Enchanted Forest.

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I love Belle and Rumple! If you need psychotherapy, so do I. 


Well, add me to the list of those needing psychotherapy!!!  Hey, maybe we should just start group therapy?  I really like Belle and Rumple together.  They are a nice balance.  I so want to be Belle (accent and all) when I grow up!!!!!  Oh, wait, I'm already grown up.  Bummer.  We have a lot in common though!  Books!  Singing (though I'm not so great at it and generally only sing when I'm alone or in the car)!  A love for dancing and singing plates (though I admit mine don't sing or dance, but still, if they did, I would LOVE IT!!!! <-Do that last bit in a sing-song voice.  It makes it even more awesome!)!  Beasts (believe me, there are days when James Bond can be quite a grumpy beast)!  Heels!  Woohoo!  If my hair were long (I recently cut 16" off) and dark brown and wore dresses, I could be Belle!  Too bad I'm more of a trousers kind of girl.  


Enough exclamation points to show my love and excitement of OUAT?!?!?!?!?!?

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Yah, I get the angst with Emma's attitude. I'm only about half way through season 2, but I can already see that I'm going to be a "get over it" kind of watcher. Life is too short to be bitter all the live long day.


I think Rumple's Storybrooke voice may have something to do with my infatuation. He has a rather magnetic quality.


I want Snow's clothes from the Enchanted Forest. I realize that the "What not to Wear people" would take issue with this, but I think a new fashion trend - royal, medieval revival - should commence. I want the white and cream with gold trim stuff she prances around in, and I wouldn't sniff at Red's cloak...just gorgeous!


I must be having a very bad boy mid-life crisis attraction because I think Hook is wonderful, and Pinnochio is just BLAH! Poor, poor Dh...he feels he's kind of a Jiminy Cricket type guy in real life, and here I am fawning over a couple of very twisted characters! LOL, I wonder if brownies would help soothe his pain during the next episode. :D


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Yah, I get the angst with Emma's attitude. I'm only about half way through season 2, but I can already see that I'm going to be a "get over it" kind of watcher. Life is too short to be bitter all the live long day.


I think Rumple's Storybrooke voice may have something to do with my infatuation. He has a rather magnetic quality.


I want Snow's clothes from the Enchanted Forest. I realize that the "What not to Wear people" would take issue with this, but I think a new fashion trend - royal, medieval revival - should commence. I want the white and cream with gold trim stuff she prances around in, and I wouldn't sniff at Red's cloak...just gorgeous!


I must be having a very bad boy mid-life crisis attraction because I think Hook is wonderful, and Pinnochio is just BLAH! Poor, poor Dh...he feels he's kind of a Jiminy Cricket type guy in real life, and here I am fawning over a couple of very twisted characters! LOL, I wonder if brownies would help soothe his pain during the next episode. :D

I LOVE his voice! :001_wub: And his real accent, too! I heard him talking in a group interview a year ago and I LOVE the Scottish accent!

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Yeah, i think Rumple is just a fantastic actor who will have that magnetic presence no matter what he does.  But he does seem to enjoy this role.


Its really interesting the way Pan turns out to be the villain, and hook the . . . good guy?  in the reality of Neverland?  I'm wondering if Neverland is sort of the core of all magic, Pan some sort of master villain, idk.  


I was also a bit disappointed that she had to admit that she was still an orphan, but i do agree - it was core of her self-identity for decades, and she's fought to be strong, and now suddenly is with her parents, but she still feels like an orphan - that kind of core loss doesnt just go away.  Thats what attachment disorders are all about, no?   But i think Pan is trying to use that to his advantage, to gain power over her.

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I would like to be Emma Swan in my next life. :D And, I would so choose Hook over Neil. :001_tt1:

And, as for her attitude. She did the same thing to Henry that she is so mad about? She gave him up at birth, at least her parents had a more noble reason for their abandonment. :confused:

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I don't know about Pan because I'm not there yet. But, I did just see the episodes where Rumple leaves Storybrooke and finds Bae, and I must admit that I felt the need to rescue poor Rumple when he became so scared of flying...that wide-eyed "What have I gotten myself into?" look. Seriously, this actor is excellent.



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I finally got to see this week's epi.   Y'all's comments were driving me nuts with curiousity!!  :laugh:


I'm glad they explained Rumple's little doll, but it's very creepy.  I think Pan is using it to spy on Rumple.


I really want to know what Pan wants with Emma.  Maybe she has some super secret power that he wants to steal from her?  I can't imagine why he'd pick her specifically if he was looking for a mom-figure for the Lost Boys. I'm sure there are lots of abandoned young ladies that would gladly take on that role.


Do you think Henry really does resent Emma for giving him up?  I've never gotten that impression and Emma's certainly worked hard to be there for him once she moved to Storybrooke, IMO.


I *loved* the interaction between Hook and Emma, when they were sharing rum and he asked how she'd revealed the map.  His semi-quiet "maybe I would" left me squeeling inside. :001_wub:

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