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This isn't a real thing, right?


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I don't normally read this site or others like it, but a ton of my Facebook friends are reposting this. This isn't a real thing, right? It's really hard for me to believe this could be a real part of the ACA.

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Disclaimer: I have NOT researched this thoroughly, so I'm not claiming that the article you posted is factual (or not). But the bill referenced in the last paragraph apparently was introduced in the SC House. Excerpt:


"Section 43-1-300.    No agency, department, or other state entity, including, but not limited to, the Department of Social Services and the Department of Health and Human Services, may authorize an employee, contractor, vendor, or any other person acting on behalf of the department to conduct or participate in an involuntary maternal, infant, and early childhood in-home visitation pursuant to Section 2951 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and any subsequent federal act that amends that section or that may refer to an entity or a process established pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010."


(Source: http://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess120_2013-2014/bills/3101.htm)


And here is the link to the section of the ACA mentioned in the SC bill:




I will be reading up on this further.


ETA: I would be surprised if it is as ominous as they are making it sound.

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No, I don't believe there will be forced home inspection/visits. There are currently several gov't funded programs that do VOLUNTARY home visits with families that may fall into those categories- such as early intervention, Head Start, military Exceptional Family Member Program, military New Parent Support Program, etc. etc. No inspections, just visiting them where they're more comfortable.


When the Facebook crowd starts freaking out that the government is going to take away nice people's children, I always wonder where they think the children would go. We can barely provide foster care for children who are abused/neglected. You wouldn't want to know the extent of abuse or neglect it takes to get children removed from their homes in some areas.

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They had these when my dd was born five years ago. A public health nurse would come over and check dd, answer any questions I had, help with stuff. And it was completely voluntary. The visits were a huge help for me.


I don't think you're going to get any accurate info on Obamacare from a website with "GOP" in the site address.


ETA: And it's a myth. http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/homeinspections.asp

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Disclaimer: I have NOT researched this thoroughly, so I'm not claiming that the article you posted is factual (or not). But the bill referenced in the last paragraph apparently was introduced in the SC House. Excerpt:


"Section 43-1-300. No agency, department, or other state entity, including, but not limited to, the Department of Social Services and the Department of Health and Human Services, may authorize an employee, contractor, vendor, or any other person acting on behalf of the department to conduct or participate in an involuntary maternal, infant, and early childhood in-home visitation pursuant to Section 2951 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and any subsequent federal act that amends that section or that may refer to an entity or a process established pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010."


(Source: http://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess120_2013-2014/bills/3101.htm)


And here is the link to the section of the ACA mentioned in the SC bill:




I will be reading up on this further.


ETA: I would be surprised if it is as ominous as they are making it sound.

Sounds like the SC legislature needs to learn how to use google.

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There is a  visitation program in the health care bill, but it is a voluntary part of the law.   You can read about it at this link at HSLDA.  ( HSLDA in no way supports the law, but they did clarify this part of it.)






Or if you want to read the bill yourself 




and search for section 2951





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No, I don't believe there will be forced home inspection/visits. There are currently several gov't funded programs that do VOLUNTARY home visits with families that may fall into those categories- such as early intervention, Head Start, military Exceptional Family Member Program, military New Parent Support Program, etc. etc. No inspections, just visiting them where they're more comfortable.


When the Facebook crowd starts freaking out that the government is going to take away nice people's children, I always wonder where they think the children would go. We can barely provide foster care for children who are abused/neglected. You wouldn't want to know the extent of abuse or neglect it takes to get children removed from their homes in some areas.


To the UN-sponsored Communist Muslim reeducation camps, of course.   :lol:  

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