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OK, fine, then I'll ask the Hive! - The White Stag by Kate Seredy


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I was looking through a box of books and found The White Stag by Kate Seredy. I have never read it, but I paged through it, looked it up on-line and found that it might be good to add to DS1's book list. It's a Newberry Award winner, afterall. He's doing the Ancients this year, the book takes place in Ancient history, but the reviews on Goodreads were all over the board. Mostly bad reviews, but some say it's a great book. I suppose I could read it myself, but that would take too much effort. lol. I know, I know, it goes totally against all my principles as a good mother. Anyhow, has anyone read this book? What do you think?

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We've read it and enjoyed it.  It is historical fiction.  I thought it was well written.  It is based on a folk tale of how the Huns and Magyars dispersed after the Tower of Babel so how "historical" it is might be debatable.  .  It is poetic in it's writing style in the sense that it makes you see the events and beauty vividly.  

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I haven't read that one, but if it's only half as good as one of Seredy's other books, The Chestry Oak, then I'm sure it's magnificent.


Besides, why not just jump in and read it? :-)

Yeah, I should. It's pretty short. I just have 4 other books going right now. I guess I could put it at the end of the line.
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Lovely book. Anything by Kate Seredy is wonderful. The Good Master is one of the best.


The Singing Tree would IMO be an excellent book for modern history. It's describing what happened to the people in The Good Master during the first world war, how they thought, with a few war stories from a returned soldier.

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Lovely book. Anything by Kate Seredy is wonderful. The Good Master is one of the best.


The Singing Tree would IMO be an excellent book for modern history. It's describing what happened to the people in The Good Master during the first world war, how they thought, with a few war stories from a returned soldier.


Sorry to derail the thread a bit, but if Singing Tree takes place in WWI, what time period is the Good Master?...right before that?  I couldn't quite figure out when they took place. 

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My daughter (dd#1) has it on her list to read right now. I read it about a month ago. I liked it. Thought it was a great read after The Darkness and the Dawn by Costain. They were interesting contrasts in viewing the Huns/Attila and gave one a better feeling for why the people were the way they were. DD#1 is partway through both - likes Costain's book better, but she's hardly started White Stag.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DD#1 was turned off on White Stag immediately because the old guy kills his horse. (To read its entrails & prophecy?? Can't remember for sure.) Nothing can save a book for my DDs if it starts off with a horse-killing. (I don't remember it being graphic.)


She liked Darkness & the Dawn a lot better. It was much longer - basically an adult (historical fiction) novel, but it had a positive horse view and was 'more interesting.' 


Thanks for checking back in with us & telling us how it went!  :hurray:

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DD#1 was turned off on White Stag immediately because the old guy kills his horse. (To read its entrails & prophecy?? Can't remember for sure.) Nothing can save a book for my DDs if it starts off with a horse-killing. (I don't remember it being graphic.)


She liked Darkness & the Dawn a lot better. It was much longer - basically an adult (historical fiction) novel, but it had a positive horse view and was 'more interesting.'


Thanks for checking back in with us & telling us how it went! :hurray:

Well, yeah, it's rather true to the times. It's not unicorns and rainbows. It's not graphic, but... it's about the Huns.
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