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Why did this happen? How can I repeat it?


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Things haven't gone well in the parenting department lately. My children have been, well, wild. I feel like a failure most of the time, honestly.


Tonight I took them out to dinner. Dh has been out of town all week, and I thought I should do something fun with the kids. So while we ate our Mexican food, I struck up a conversation about the states of matter, in what must be about my fourth attempt over the last couple of years to implement BFSU science. I couldn't believe it. They LISTENED. They contributed. They asked and answered questions. They played games with the concepts. It went on all through dinner. I got complimented on their behavior by another patron of the restaurant. It was one of those perfect homeschooling experiences that I hear other people talking about.


Why were the kids so different? How can I make this happen at home? It's not about the meal, because at home they won't even stay at the table at dinner without threats of punishment.

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Sometime those lovely things just happen.  You are engaged, they are opened to being engaged by you and it all comes together with rainbows and happiness. Tell them what a nice time you had and how much you enjoyed their company this evening.  Tell them why you enjoyed their company.  Maybe you will inspire them (or at least your oldest) to be open to being engaged by you again in the future.

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Sometimes science is magical. Figuratively. Maybe their ice cubes melting in their glasses of water and the steam from their food came alive. I'm glad you had a good time. It is always nice to have one of those moments when you're suddenly aware that you are sitting across from small remarkable people.

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Sometime those lovely things just happen.  You are engaged, they are opened to being engaged by you and it all comes together with rainbows and happiness. Tell them what a nice time you had and how much you enjoyed their company this evening.  Tell them why you enjoyed their company.  Maybe you will inspire them (or at least your oldest) to be open to being engaged by you again in the future.




I would also be tempted to make it a regular "thing." You might also try a poetry tea party, or play some board games, do some geo puzzles together, etc. — fun family things that just "happen" to also be educational.



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I would also be tempted to make it a regular "thing." You might also try a poetry tea party, or play some board games, do some geo puzzles together, etc. — fun family things that just "happen" to also be educational.



Generally even non-educational fun things don't go well because of fighting. So this was a delightful exception; the fact that we did science was icing on the cake.

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