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Can you diagnose my ds?


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A few days ago my 16yos suddenly gave a shout and his body shivered - like a big shake.  He complained about tingling that went down his arms and in his hands plus he had sudden redness on his skin and raised bumps on his trunk.  Benadryl helped a bit yet this is happening every day, all day.  We've tried to track what he is eating yet nothing has changed.  We're using the same laundry detergent, he's not being exposed to anything he hasn't been exposed to the last 16 years.  I'm not overly concerned yet do feel bad for him as he is very uncomfortable.  


Any ideas?  He says he can feel the "shock" hit his body and then the tingling and itchiness/redness/bumps show up immediately.

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The rash/bumps subside with benadryl, don't subside, subside with or without benadryl? Are there bigger parts like hives?


Is there a pattern to when this occurs? How long has it been going on? Any other symptoms?


Someone else may have a thought that makes perfect sense, but generally this really sounds like nervous system haywire to me (I mean neurological type nervous system symptoms, not that he's anxious or what have you). I'm not entirely sure about the rash though. If it is nervous system, lots of things can cause that, not all of them serious. Sometimes, for example, a virus can temporarily affect the nervous system (and viruses can cause the skin stuff to obviously; in fact most acute hives are viral and it can go on for weeks).

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The rash (which looks like tiny red bumps and feels like sandpaper) is from his neck to his legs - not the rash associated with shingles from what I've read.  No meds are helping at all, not even Benadryl.  He can't stand anything touching his skin now and spent a miserable night.  He was outside cleaning up the porch but had to come inside as the sun/heat irritated him even more.


Yes, I'm calling the doctor today.

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So glad you are calling the doctor.  That sounds frightening.  


You said he can feel the "shock" hit his body.  Does that mean that this is happening repeatedly?  


Seizures is my first thought.  I'd make sure to have the doctor review all of his current medications, because the bumpy rash sounds like he is having a reaction to something.  


Good luck!

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