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AP credits on a transcript?

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My son is taking 3 self study AP courses this year. I know that I cannot list the courses on his transcript as "AP" because that is a trademark of the College Board. My question,then, is how do I indicate those courses on his transcript? Also how is credit determined for AP classes? For example, AP micro-economics and  AP macro-economics....are they worth 1 credit each? Any help would be appreciated.

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I have seen people say "Honors English with AP Exam" ... if he's not a senior you will have the opportunity to list the scores on his transcript if you so desire.


I give one credit per class, unless it is a lab, then I give 1.5. For a half year class I give .5 credits.


ETA Oops... posted at the same time as Regentrude. :)

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I saw someone suggest "Honors Microeconomics (AP Equivalent)" as well.  I'm only giving 1/2 credit for each AP economics class, even though we are taking a year for each one; same for AP US Government and Politics.  On the AP teachers forum for gov., the teachers were talking about how they add in a little bit of economics so that they can count the class as a full year credit, even though most of the time is spent on government.  I don't know who legislates how much credit to give though--it may be school-by-school policies, as opposed to some official policy handed down by the College Board or something.. 

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I am careful not to give more credit than what my local high school offers because I don't want college officials thinking I am padding credits.  I give one credit for an AP class (but, then again, if it is a semester class, I would give .5 credit but we didn't do any like that.)  My local high school doesn't give any more credit for labs, so I don't.  If the class was not an AP approved class, then I put "w/ AP exam" next to it. 


For college classes at our local LAC, my policy is if the class is under 4 credit hours, I give .5 credit.  If it is 4 hours and over, I give 1 credit.  I had planned on giving 1 credit for each college class.  However, when I saw that my son's college bio class (for majors) only went through about 1/2 of the content of the AP exam and that colleges would typically give credit for 2 college classes with a good score on that exam, I felt that I could not be justified in giving a full credit. 

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If your student takes an AP course through a company like Thinkwell, then can it count as an official AP course or no?


I think you have to ask Thinkwell if they have an approved syllabus. When I looked at their website it seemed they were listing courses as Prep for AP with a disclaimer. On the other hand places that use Thinkwell like Johns Hopkins seem to list their course as an AP course.

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