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Peanut Allergy and Cross Reactions....

Hunter's Moon

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I have been allergic to peanuts my whole life. I test positive to soy allergy, but do not have an issue with it. My throat gets itchy when I consume peas. 


I eat black and kidney beans, but have been too afraid to venture much beyond that. I would love to add lentils, but worry about cross reactivity. 


If you or your child is allergic to peanuts and/or other legumes, do they have issues with lentils? 



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Ds started out allergic to soy and peanut so I was very cautious with other legumes.  For some reason I have been reluctant to try lentils with him- maybe a reaction when he was very little? (He reacted to everything back then.) I can't really remember the reason.  He eventually outgrew the soy allergy and all the other legumes we've tried have not been a problem. 


However, because you seem to have a mild reaction to peas and have tested positive for soy, I would probably be more cautious.  I think the reaction to peas adds a different component to the mix. KWIM? 


Found this 2009 article- lentils looks more risky than some of the more common "beans." 





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Be careful.


I tried cooking lentil soup for DS, thinking we'd try it. I knew we'd be cautious and go slow, but it didn't even make it that far. He had an airborne reaction to cooking lentils! Allergist said it was not surprising, but wow was it scary.

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Can you go to the allergist and get a scratch test done? If it were positive, then you'd need to avoid lentil or have a supervised food challenge, but if it were negative, you'd have 95% certainty that you can tolerate lentils.


I like this idea.  


If you do opt to try lentils, please do it while another adult is home with you, one who knows what to do in case of reaction.  


Crossing fingers for you that you're not allergic, and that you can add another food to your life!

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