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Vent: My dryer saga


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Our 20 year old dryer broke its belt four days before we were scheduled to go out of town.  I was able to schedule a repair for the next day.  The guy came, confirmed it was the belt, didn't have the part on his truck, but was able to come back and fix it the morning before we left.  Great!


He left and I started a load of wash.  Put it in the dryer, turned it on and the drum didn't spin and it made a slight burning smell.  I removed about half of the load and it ran ok.  I did three more smallish loads and all seemed well enough, though I knew there was something not right. 


Then my 17yo son did his laundry.  I told him not to overload the dryer.  Apparently I wasn't clear enough because he put a large wad in and started the dryer.  Ten minutes later the house was filled with smoke and the dryer was no longer functioning.


So I called to get the guy to come back after our trip, which would be in almost three weeks.  They were able to fit us in four days after we got back.


Today was supposed to be the day.  Two hours into the four hour window I got a call that the guy was going to be late.  Then I got a call four hours later telling me that the guy won't be coming because his truck broke down.  The woman tells me that the next available time is over a week from now.  :banghead:


Are you kidding me?  Their repair was substandard and they're making me wait another week!  And here's the kicker--she tells me that Sears is having a sale on dryers, perhaps I might consider getting a new one!


Believe it or not, there's more.  I just went online to see if I could schedule a repair sooner than next Saturday.  Apparently if I'm a new customer (or want to spend another $109 in new customer fees) I could get someone to come out tomorrow morning!

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