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Does lamb smell much different from beef?

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I have some lamb simmering on the stove for a stew tomorrow. When I opened the package, I can't say I loved the smell.


Dd is now complaining that the whole house stinks. I wonder if it could be because I haven't actually cooked meat in several years? The expiration date wasn't until 8/20, but gosh, that seems like an awfully long expiration date for fresh meat, doesn't it?


Does lamb smell stronger than beef? This came from Australia, if that matters any.





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I think it smells quite different, and I don't find it a very pleasant smell. There's actually only one lamb dish I'll cook in large part because of this. Otherwise, dh'll just have to have his lamb in restaurants. (BTW, I don't actually mind *eating* it, but the smell while cooking... not a big fan...)

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I love lamb, but not everyone does. I should not smell spoiled but musky and richer than beef.


:iagree: I love lamb (it's my favorite meat, in fact, save Musk Ox) and it can have a "gamier" smell than grain-fed beef (and unnatural diet for cattle BTW) but it ought not smell "spoiled".


And if you haven't cooked "meat" in your home for a long time, the smell can certainly be "off-putting" (beef included).



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I have some lamb simmering on the stove for a stew tomorrow. When I opened the package, I can't say I loved the smell.


Dd is now complaining that the whole house stinks. I wonder if it could be because I haven't actually cooked meat in several years? The expiration date wasn't until 8/20, but gosh, that seems like an awfully long expiration date for fresh meat, doesn't it?


Does lamb smell stronger than beef? This came from Australia, if that matters any.






We had lamb once when I was a kid and the smell was so bad we could hardly stand it -- and we were *not* picky eaters. Someone told my mother if it was that bad, it must have been mutton. But after reading some of these responses, maybe not. :D

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I don't care for the smell of lamb at all, and it's one of those foods that, to me, kinda tastes like it smells, if that makes sense. It's not that I flat-out dislike it...I like the idea of eating it at Easter so I've made it at that time and it was tasty. On the other hand, we have a dear friend who often serves very STRONG tasting lamb (read: mutton) when she has us over and I just...shudder. Since Hans really likes lamb, though, I pretend to enjoy it so she'll serve it again.;)

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Let her stink up the house and feed him lamb!:D


The only reason I'd even bother with meat is because I have a Welsh houseguest coming tomorrow who is 96, and I'm feeling especially patronizing.


There won't be too many chances to do this, so we'll set aside our normal dietary preferences for a good cause, unlike your friend who may have to do this for quite a bit longer!:D



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But please don't ask me to pronounce the second word!



Thinking back to high school, when I tried to learn Welsh...

I think it's cum (like the "u" in "put") RIGE (hard "g", but long "i") Oh, and with a trilled "r". :)


Garf, I'm not good at writing the sounds I mean. I could do it in phonetic broad transcirption [kum 'raig] but don't know how useful that would be... :confused:



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We eat a lot of lamb that I have cooked. I love it! I'm not sure if your meat is spoiled but it DOES smell and taste worse (IMHO) as the age increases of the animal before it is slaughtered and the amount of time passed after the slaughter. My first experience was eating mutton. YUCK! YUCK! I couldn't stand mutton. Mutton is older. BUT I love lamb!! That is good. I had to ask my farmer friends about the types of meat. There is lamb, hoggit, mutton. I can't quite remember the order, but lamb is the youngest. Also, fresh butchered hoggit and mutton actually taste good as well. I think my first taste of mutton was not fresh!

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