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Exercise Thread ~ 8/18-8/24


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Denise Austin: Power Zone


Yoga people, are you using dvd's or a class or online videos? I need to reincorporate yoga into my routine. I have just begun using a foam roller hoping to get my muscles to release a bit. I have been using Hasfit YouTube videos for that.

I don't have much time this morning, but I do DVDs. I also have a very nice book which I recently got. I used to go to a fabulous class on the beach. 

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Yoga people, are you using dvd's or a class or online videos? I need to reincorporate yoga into my routine. I have just begun using a foam roller hoping to get my muscles to release a bit. I have been using Hasfit YouTube videos for that.



I purchased a subscription to YogaGlo.com.  I'm enjoying it, and at times wishing all I did was yoga (I love running, and kettlebell has been great, but there is something about yoga.)


There are other online sites.  There is YogaVibes, which is about the same a month as YogaGlo, but you can get it cheaper if you buy a year.  YogaVibes is seems more focused on "workout" type yoga, and even has Barre (or equivilent) classes.  


At one time I used YogaToday.com.  It's only $10 a month, and the teachers are excellent.  Almost all of the classes are 1 hr format. Honestly, these women are the best yoga teachers on the web.  They are gifted at teaching over the internet.


Right now I'm using YogaGlo because I want the option of more less than 60 min classes, as well as lots of Yin and Restorative yoga.  That site just has more of that.

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Ran this morning - 8 minutes/2 minutes running/walking. Went around 2.5-3 miles.

First 5k is in less than 3 weeks!! Omo....can't believe it's that close already!!


Didn't get around to posting last week - ran Friday afternoon but came home feeling like I failed - I had been doing pretty well but for some reason I just had a hard time that afternoon and didn't do nearly as well as I had been. When I got home and was complaining about it, dh was like, 'look, you just went out and ran/walked/whatever 2 miles. That's a heck of a lot more than most people do, so stop feeling bad about it!' Lol. :) it was a good reminder, though - its so easy to get caught up in competing with myself or trying to always do better (which isn't a bad thing, either!) that I forget that a few short months ago I couldn't do this stuff at all.

I took the dog on Saturday and walked for 3 miles - our poor dog doesn't get nearly the exercise she should, so she enjoyed it, too. :).


I need to check out some of those yoga sites.... I've always wanted to try more yoga but had a hard time figuring out how without being a member of the y or something. I tried a couple yoga things on netflix but wasn't impressed (this was a year or more ago).

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I'm back! :hurray:  Kept losing this thread.



Yoga people, are you using dvd's or a class or online videos? I need to reincorporate yoga into my routine. I have just begun using a foam roller hoping to get my muscles to release a bit. I have been using Hasfit YouTube videos for that.

I use dvds mostly, but I also search youtube. I want to buy a yin yoga dvd. Anyone have a recommendation?



Do you like the foam roller? I've been thinking of getting one.



I bought a kettlebell. :w00t:  It's 10lb. I wanted a lighter one but haven't found one.

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I'll update in this thread so I don't have to go back to last week. I hope you don't mind.


Friday - canoed in the am (2 hours); hiked (30 mins); canoed (90 mins); hiked (45 mins)

Sat - hiked about 2 hours

Sun - hiked about an hour

-the hikes included a 30# pack and was a much better workout than just a walk


This Week:

Yesterday - nothing but a walk around the block  :(  too busy with work and babysitting to really exercise

Today - nothing yet;  I hope to be able to get out this evening


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Will be doing an Ellen Barrett Pilates DVD later.

Read this:
Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured.


I want to buy a yin yoga dvd. Anyone have a recommendation?


I used to take a weekly Yin Yoga class on the beach. My instructor recommended this DVD to me and I really love it. Both his DVDs are my absolute favorites for yoga. He's a great instructor and you really get your money's worth. Each DVD has about 3 separate workouts. He knows his stuff. He's not annoying or weird - some people are turned off by yoga for that.  You can view samples and order from his site or from Total Fitness DVDs - if you do the latter, use their code "10off" for a discount. Mark Laham also has some free videos on his site. :)

Yin Yoga DVD has the following, each of which are pretty much an hour. 
Front Line Sequence 
Back Line Sequence 
Hips and Pelvis 





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All the Right Moves: Amazing Legs - tough and effective workout.


Negin~thanks for the yoga recommendation.  I'm always looking for "not weird" yoga.

Lisa, Sarah Ivanhoe is so often recommended for the "not weird" yoga fans.  :) She has a few DVDs and many like her. I gave the link for what's on offer at Total Fitness DVDs. There are more of her stuff on amazon, I think. 

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Got up early since dh was home and went for a run sans 4 yr old. Woohoo! Had a nice alternating between fast walk/light jog, good pace run, and hard core sprint.


I'd like to get in some Jackie Warner this afternoon.


I need to buy gloves for the kettlebell. The handle is plastic and has groves along the top and bottom. Made my hand sore rather quickly when I was practicing/learning how to do moves. I have not mastered snatch. That's a hard move.

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Went for a lovely swim yesterday. Gorgeous sunset.
About to do Ellen Barrett: Live Power Fusion.


Ran again this morning, 8/2, 2.5 miles.   :)

Kara, great job. 


Got up early since dh was home and went for a run sans 4 yr old. Woohoo! Had a nice alternating between fast walk/light jog, good pace run, and hard core sprint.


I'd like to get in some Jackie Warner this afternoon.

BTW, I love your siggy quote. :)

Nice that you got to go for a run alone. 

I just tried out my first Jackie Warner DVD a few weeks ago. Liked it a lot. 



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