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Mixing medications...WWYD?


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We just moved out of state and I ended up pretty sick within two weeks. I thought it was bronchitis so I'd been trying to wait it out. My back went out do to all of the coughing this past Monday. Tuesday morning I think I freaked my dh out when I began crying hysterically from the pain. I'm not one to cry - hardly ever.


So, he convinced me to go to a local urgent care. There was a very nice PA on duty that day. We both really liked her. From my symptoms and exam, she said that she definitely thought the lung thing had become bacterial and that I needed antibiotics. She also said I had a sinus infection which I figured likely from the pressure and pain in my face and my teeth.


For the back pain, she suspected that a possible bulging disc is pressing on the nerves and sending a burning pain down the back of my hip and leg. She used to work in orthopedicts and said she saw this all the time.


So, she gave me 6 days of prednisone for the nerve inflammation. She also gave me tramadol for the pain. I took the tramadol three tiems and was so sleepy I could hardly function. I also got itchy on my face and arms which I have gotten before from other pain medication.


I decided to look up side effects for tramadol and drowsiness and itching are side effects. But I started noticing warnings about taking it with zoloft which I also take. WebMd, Mayo clinic, etc say not to take them together. It could result in seratonin syndrome which could be fatal. The PA knew I was taking the zoloft and I had it refilled at the same time I got the tramadol. I went back to the pharmacy yesterday to talk to the pharmacist about it. She said there is a risk but they get prescribed together all the time. I told her my reaction and she didn't seem concerned.


However, I haven't taken another dose of tramadol since because the warnings freaked me out. But, I'm in pain. Advil does nothing for this pain. Not even if I take 800 mg at a time.


So, WWYD? Would you take the tramadol?


Sorry so long. I just wanted to give as much info as I could. Thanks for listening. :-)

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I've taken tramadol for nerve pain and it was really helpful. I did feel very out of it, but after a week or so, I was able to function while taking it.


Seratonin Syndrome is very serious but not too common. My oldest daughter developed it while taking a mixture of medications. She has autism and I'm not sure if you would have the same symptoms, but she began acting very oddly (even after considering she has autism). Everyone around her kept saying, "Something's wrong". We took her to the doctor and they discovered blood in her urine as well. We got off of it quickly and things corrected within a few days.


My (not professional) opinion would be that if you have someone around you who could tell that something was wrong, you're fine to take the medicine. It isn't a common reaction and it's quickly reversible (in my experience).

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I've taken tramadol for nerve pain and it was really helpful. I did feel very out of it, but after a week or so, I was able to function while taking it.


Seratonin Syndrome is very serious but not too common. My oldest daughter developed it while taking a mixture of medications. She has autism and I'm not sure if you would have the same symptoms, but she began acting very oddly (even after considering she has autism). Everyone around her kept saying, "Something's wrong". We took her to the doctor and they discovered blood in her urine as well. We got off of it quickly and things corrected within a few days.


My (not professional) opinion would be that if you have someone around you who could tell that something was wrong, you're fine to take the medicine. It isn't a common reaction and it's quickly reversible (in my experience).


Thanks for sharing your experience!


The urgent care was fine in a pinch but now is time to find a regular doctor who can be your primary care physician and deal with all of this.  This sort of stuff is really beyond what urgent care is designed for because it has to do with longer term care.  


Yeah, I'm searching for a primary care doctor. Hope I can find one soon.


I would find a chiropractor for the back pain.

I would also find a GOOD pharmacy for all rx with an adequately staffed pharmd.  pharmDs know more about drugs and interactions/warnings than mds do.


I'm a chiropractic fan. We know no one here so it's hard to get a recommendation for a good one.


I would discuss with a pharmacist.  Call up the place you got the prescription.  Ask to speak to the pharmacist, not a tech, and ask to go over your medications.   If the pharm has any concerns, call the doctor at the urgent care.


I went to the pharmacy yesterday and spoke with the actual pharmacist about my concerns. She told me that although there is a risk, it is small and that she's not concerned about a reaction and that she doesn't consider it contraindicated to take them together.


I broke down and took one about an hour ago because the pain is just excruciating. It's not giving me any relief at all. :-(

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