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you know you have boys when....


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when you notice that all of your cereal bowls have disappeared and you find them....(try to picture this if you can)...all set out on the floor, bowl side up, in the shape of a square....(3 bowls by 3 bowls)...and then they charge their micro chargers (little tiny cars that charge up and race) and then they race in the bowls, jumping from one bowl to the next....it is actually quite fun....I am just not sure what we will put our breakfast cereal in tomorrow morning...because they JUST now started taping them together so the cars don't get stuck as they are going from one bowl to the next....BOYS!

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when you notice that all of your cereal bowls have disappeared and you find them....(try to picture this if you can)...all set out on the floor, bowl side up, in the shape of a square....(3 bowls by 3 bowls)...and then they charge their micro chargers (little tiny cars that charge up and race) and then they race in the bowls, jumping from one bowl to the next....it is actually quite fun....I am just not sure what we will put our breakfast cereal in tomorrow morning...because they JUST now started taping them together so the cars don't get stuck as they are going from one bowl to the next....BOYS!


Get video of the cars jumping from bowl to bowl!

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Gotta love boys! :)

When my oldest son and his friends were in middle school, they used to perform wrestling maneuvers on our backyard trampoline, you know, like WWE. I had to video them a couple of times. They would dress up in masks, tights, etc. and run out to heavy metal music. Of course I was holding in my laughter b/c I got in "trouble" if I laughed. Great times!

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When there are footprints on the walls going all the way up to the ceiling because they scale the walls. Seriously, they lay flat against the ceiling. It's not too bad in this house, but in the last house the hallway ceiling had part of it lower than the rest. They would lay flat right where the ceiling raised then call me saying they needed help with something. As I walked under them they would drop.

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