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compatable vs genuine toner cartridges....what are your thoughts on this...


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My printer has been acting weird...on the left side of the printed page (black and white only) there is a faded strip all the way down the page. Since April, I have been using "compatable" toner cartridges (only black) and the Samsung people told me that might be causing my issue...so what I was wondering...are they just trying to sell me their product...or is there really something to that. A Samsung cartridge is about $43 whereas the others were like 3 for $50...


and if there really is something to it...did I permanently damage my printer? The Samsung person said the only way to know for sure is to buy a toner cartridge and try it...but that's $43 that I am gambling with...


what would you do???

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I would buy a new cheap cartridge. I use cheap cartridges for my Brother printer and have had no issues at all, but reviews on Amazon are mixed, leading me to think there is some inconsistency. I am willing to risk it on the grounds that one out of eight, easily, could be worthless, and it would still be cheaper. So I would pull out the one that is in there and try a fresh but still not Samsumg cartridge.

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now the count is STILL even....2 to 2....:)....I guess I better be safe than sorry...genuine toner, although, more expensive, isn't as expensive as a new printer...I am just hoping I didn't already ruin my printer and buying a new cartridge will be a big waste...just to find that out.

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Another Brother printer owner here.


I used two compatible/refillable toner cartridges and went back to the official ones.


The first cartridge had some strange imprint on the wheel that would 'ghost print' on the white spaces (hard to explain, but if I printed something double-spaced, for instance, the white space had a ghots of some previous line printed there). It did this for every.freaking.page. until the thing ran dry.


The second cartridge's ink was faint, as if it was barely full. Add to that the fact that our printer (which was less than a year old) was suddenly jamming paper and reading error messages (no paper when the tray was full, 'mystery' blinking lights, etc that made us have to turn off the printer and then turn it back on again), we had had enough and just bought a Brother cartridge. It has been nearly a year now, and we have only had one or two paper jams since as opposed to every time we tried to print.


Also, one of the refillable/no-name ones leaked. Not a lot, but there was an ever-present 'drip' on the cartridge.


I am too scared to try those again, so I'll stick to my name brand ones as the time & frustration wasn't worth the savings for us.


On the flip side, my father has an older HP and uses the cheapies with no issue.

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now the count is STILL even....2 to 2.... :)....I guess I better be safe than sorry...genuine toner, although, more expensive, isn't as expensive as a new printer...I am just hoping I didn't already ruin my printer and buying a new cartridge will be a big waste...just to find that out.


You posted while i was typing. :001_smile:


Good luck with the genuine toner. I hope your printer is happy with 'the good stuff'.  ;) 

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now the count is STILL even....2 to 2....:)....I guess I better be safe than sorry...genuine toner, although, more expensive, isn't as expensive as a new printer...I am just hoping I didn't already ruin my printer and buying a new cartridge will be a big waste...just to find that out.

I don't know about its being more expensive to buy a new printer. I do not have to go through too many cheap cartridges before I could pay for a new printer. But I have a Brother 5070 or something like that (I can never remember the number), and maybe that is the difference.


Best of luck with whatever you try.

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I have mixed feelings. We have a Samsung and I ordered Compatible ones on Ebay that didn't work. The seller was great and sent 2 that did, but then one of them leaves funny marks on the very edge of the page and the other one doesn't. So I just don't know anymore. I'm going to need to get a new one soon too.

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We used compatible cartridges with our Samsung laser for years, until we replaced it with a networked Brother (which we also use compatibles in). We had one issue with our printer, which was resolved by cleaning it. It wasn't under warranty, so opening it up and doing it ourselves wasn't an issue, and the problem never returned before we decommissioned it. 


FWIW, I buy them from SuperMediaStore, and they stand behind their stuff. 

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I have a Brother laser printer and have used the cheap $11 toner cartridges from Amazon for several years now without a single problem.



:iagree: Same here.



Any particular seller? I'm off to investigate the one LAX MOM mentioned, but wondered if you ladies had a favorite vendor, too. :bigear:


I would *love* to pay less for toner!

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