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Surprise visit from the Teachers Lounge!


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I have taco's and white wine spritzers to share.


It is still summer.  I love summer.  It will stay summer here until the last possible moment which will be August 19th at 8am.


 This year younger will be studying Ancients and older will be in the Middle Ages.  It happens; kids get out of synch.  We skipped history last year with younger to work on her visual development.  It was totally worth it, but I can't start her in the Middle Ages.  It just doesn't feel right to talk about what happened after Rome fell with out talking about everything that came before that first.


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Hi ya Scrap!


We still haven't finished last year's school . . .  :leaving:

Next year will be "the cycle that comes after medieval and before modern and that I can never find a name for".


Please help yourself from my fridge and snack shelf.  There are some homemade chocolate chip cookies there as well as chips, crackers, apples, bananas, oranges,. . . . 

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Hi ya Scrap!


We still haven't finished last year's school . . .  :leaving:

Next year will be "the cycle that comes after medieval and before modern and that I can never find a name for".


Please help yourself from my fridge and snack shelf.  There are some homemade chocolate chip cookies there as well as chips, crackers, apples, bananas, oranges,. . . . 


Year 3 :)


I think the name must depend on where you stop Medieval.  I think the SotW 3 is named something like "Early Modern"  which I don't really like.    To avoid the problem, I'm studying geography for a year after medieval.  

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Karen, we were up in Pagosa Springs last week, hubby and I. BEAUTIFUL! I'd go back in a heartbeat!


Jean! I still need to plan a road trip to come visit you!


We are starting with a new history curriculum this year: Truth Quest History. Just felt like we needed something new

and I loved the premise of this one.  My dd will be starting HIGH SCHOOL! Yikes! And ds will be skipping through the 4th grade.

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Well, we're kind of doing Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome somewhat all at the same time,

the way Truth Quest History goes. My 9yo ds is really chomping at the bit to start Ancient Greece because I told him

he couldn't read Son of Neptune until we were in that era. 8)

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I have some Oreos I'll share if someone else makes coffee.


We're officially on summer break, but I have DS continuing with writing and grammar since we started late on those.  He's also finishing up an online music appreciation course because I have no control over the dates.


We don't start back up full time until late August, but have made it to US History.

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We're on summer break, but I manage to squeak in a few schoolish subjects even over summer.  Lest the children's brains atrophy ;) But actually more because it takes me forever to get back into the swing of things.  Thus the solution is to slow the swing down instead of jumping off entirely for three months of summer!  We're doing handwriting, CCD, and health - it's about an hour a day, if that.

Like you, we're cycling back into the Ancients come Fall. That's my kids' favorite era, so they're looking forward to it.  Wish I could say the same.  I'm more of a Modern Era kind of gal B)


I have homemade chips and salsa to share.  And just yesterday when I cleaned out the freezer I found an unopened sleeve of Thin Mints from who knows how long ago.  I wasn't gonna tell anyone about them, but ... if you can keep the secret, I don't mind sharing a few with you.  There are less of you than there are kids in my house right now LOL.



Next year will be "the cycle that comes after medieval and before modern and that I can never find a name for".



Quel relief!  I thought it was just me LOL.

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On a short break for just a few days while the boys have roles in plays they are performing this week. Then back to the grindstone.


We pretty much study World History - some period of it - every year, but this last year focused on AP's. So, we did it pretty intensely. Since the two elder boys have also completed American History, but do not need to do civics/government for one more year (eldest is a junior middle is a sophomore/junior), I'm looking at the possibility of picking something really specific such as WWI and II, or Asian history, or Native American Studies or something...still fleshing it out. I need to get it done though so we will have history again by Sept.1st.


We are eating some parmesan popcorn right now.

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We're on summer break. DD is away at church camp, working in the kitchen. I'm at the "I'm really bored" phase of my surgery recovery. I'm feeling good enough to want to start getting it together for the fall. 


I'm sort of short on snacks, but I do have grapes and crackers. 

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