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Easy, quick, help with potatoes please?


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I have several idaho potatoes.  I would like to do something witht them that is simple and quick.  I was thinking of something like cutting them into chunks and baking them?  If I did that what seasonings would I use, how long would I bake them for and don't they need to be coated in oil or something?


Other ideas welcome, but quick and easy prep time is essential.  I don't want to make mashed potatoes or potato salad.  The chunking and baking would make them like finger food for the dc as well.



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For roasted potatoes I cube them, put them in a bowl of cold water for 3 minutes (no need to be exact) then drain.


After draining I spread them on a clean kitchen cloth. Dap them to dry. After drying poor potatoes onto a clean cookie sheet. Season with salt and pepper then toss with grape seed ( or canola or vegetable or whatever) oil, making sure the potatoes and the cookie sheet are well oiled. I use my hands for this.


Then put them in the oven and turn it on to 450. They will be roasted crispy in about 20-30 minutes depending on the size of your cubes.

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Cut them in bite-sized pieces (they will cook much faster) and put them in cold salted water. Boil. Drain. Toss with olive oil (or butter),  salt, pepper, maybe a bit of paprika, and lots of chopped fresh parsley.  If you have garlic, chop or press a couple of cloves and add them to the cold water.



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If  you're going to chop and roast anyway you might like this kind of salad.  It's our f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e!


In a bowl toss the roasted potatoes with finely chopped parsley, diced tomatoes, crumbled feta, and a generous squeeze of lemon juice.  It should remind you of tabouleh plus feta.  You could add chopped green onion but my kiddo doesn't really like raw onion.  I don't add oil.  When I make it with roasted potatoes it already has some and when I make it with baked, we find we don't need it.


I've tried it with cucumbers but find that I don't really like warm cukes.  If I were serving cold, I'd make the salad and add cukes later.


oh, don't forget the salt and pepper.


If not this time, maybe another.  It's really good and worth the minimal effort.

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For roasted potatoes I cube them, put them in a bowl of cold water for 3 minutes (no need to be exact) then drain.


After draining I spread them on a clean kitchen cloth. Dap them to dry. After drying poor potatoes onto a clean cookie sheet. Season with salt and pepper then toss with grape seed ( or canola or vegetable or whatever) oil, making sure the potatoes and the cookie sheet are well oiled. I use my hands for this.


Then put them in the oven and turn it on to 450. They will be roasted crispy in about 20-30 minutes depending on the size of your cubes.


I sort of did this.  I didn't put them in water (why do you that, what does it do to them?), but I peeled and cubed them, dried, then tossed in olive oil.  I seasoned with garlic salt, seasoned salt, and pepper.  They turned out yummy!  We will be having the leftovers with our breakfast!

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I sort of did this. I didn't put them in water (why do you that, what does it do to them?), but I peeled and cubed them, dried, then tossed in olive oil. I seasoned with garlic salt, seasoned salt, and pepper. They turned out yummy! We will be having the leftovers with our breakfast!

The water is supposed to help leech the starch out of starchy potatoes like russets. They get crispier with less starch. I don't know if there is any truth to the claim. It is the way I was taught to make them.

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The water is supposed to help leech the starch out of starchy potatoes like russets. They get crispier with less starch. I don't know if there is any truth to the claim. It is the way I was taught to make them.

Thanks, I will try it your way next time and see if I notice a difference.

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I did this recently and now everyone wants them all the time. I slice to potatoes into rounds and boil until they're just cooked but not too soft. Then I drain them. Mix up some mayo, good mustard, and salt and pepper. Brush the potatoes with this mixture and grill until they look nice.


The mayo keeps the potatoes moist but you can't really taste it. The mustard flavor comes through. You can even prep them early in the day and grill later. I'm pretty sure I stole this recipe from here or Pinterest.

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