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stool softener for 5 y/o


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We go through this when we travel (road food, grandparent cooking and treats coupled with being out of your comfort zone is a bad combo for my kids). It's almost never an issue at home, but I've learned to force the kids to take daily fiber gummies when we travel and to push fruit and veg, make sure they drink water, and limit dairy and carbs.


If it gets bad, definitely do miralax or pedialax. If it gets really bad, you can try a glycerin suppository.


If it's bad all the time or often, I would seriously look at a diet change. Something is off if it's a common issue.

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I second Miralax. It used to be prescription only, now it is over the counter. One of my dc used it at 6 years of age for several weeks? months? That child had stomach aches off and on for years that we thought must be stress-related. Of course they never were an issue when we'd see the dr., and we'd forget about them. When we mentioned it to the pede, she diagnosed instantly, confirming it with an x-ray. (Of course, I can't remember that diagnosis now, but I would recognize the word if I heard it again.) You might also contact your pediatrician/nurse to discuss solutions.

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