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If you want to see a movie on its opening day

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When we do go on the first day, we pick one of those living room theaters. We buy tickets online and then go stand in line about 60 minutes early so we get first choice of seats. It's the kind where you can order dinner & wine anyway, so it's nice to sit there early. The fancy living room one here only has about 30 seats so even if we were to go late we'd still probably get decent seats. It's expensive, but we honestly only do it maybe twice a year.

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Our theater sells evening tickets during the day so you don't have to stand in the long lines at movie time. But I do recommend you get to the theater early and stand in the inside line, waiting for the theater, so you can get a decent seat. You're a brave woman. I've only been to a first night movie once and it was way too crowded for my tastes. Large crowds make me uneasy. :)

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I second Fandango it was a must for Hunger Games and the last few Harry Potters! I also got in line early so I could get the seats I wanted as far away from small children who had no business being at those movies as possible. Nothing is more rude than someone with a toddler crying, screaming, or talking loudly and kicking seats in a movie not made for small children!

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