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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Ooops. I had a really hard time last night. I was in one of those annoyingly shallow "twilight" sleeps for much of the night. Then I really dropped off after 7 am and now it is after 9! :svengo:


Clean kitchen

Laundry - need to catch up on this today. **** major priority

Pack for trip

Put meds in little baggies.

Don't forget toiletries.

or swimsuits. (Make sure dd's swim suit is washed and dried after yesterday's swim lesson. I'm not sure what she did with it.)

Need to find and fill out card to go with the wedding gift.

Anything else?


Maybe we might dabble in some school too. We'll see.

Probably Zumba

Dd - volunteering

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I was up at 3 with an awake 2 year old who took almost two hours to go back asleep and then up at 5:30 for the day. I'm exhausted already. And we can't even do early bedtime because MIL is coming over for dinner. UgH!



dishes round 1


Freeze more strawberries

Grocery trip

make strawberry jam



Dishes round 2

Make strawberry chia puree for tomorrow's breakfast


Prep and freeze two bags of apple pie filling

freeze rest of strawberries

clean up living room

have dd mop kitchen

clean toilet


To do:

baths for girls

dinner with MIL...

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Six hours of sleep is not enough, but I'm going to have to make it do.


To Do:

Oil change for car

Quick shopping trip to Target

Head out for 4-H

Prayer service tonight if I'm not too tired

Pizza for dinner (?)

Find sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. for visiting relatives

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I had a terrible night of sleep myself. Must be in the air.




Had a private little chat with Jean online-Hi Jean! :seeya:

Took Dutch out for a short walk


Took Han Solo to get a haircut-Oh the drama! The screaming! The begging and pleading! It was awful. His hair is shorter though, so that's good

Went to the pharmacy to pick up my meds, which turned into a 2 hour ordeal as one of my meds was entered wrong and it took a million phone calls and visits to different depts in the hospital get it fixed

Went to the PO


Took Dutch out

Made some phone calls re: our trip next week (trip planning is stressful)

Ate some cookies


Ironed-IRONED! I hate ironing

1 load of laundry



And that's about it. I had much more on my list, but that 2 hours at the hospital really threw me off, so, whatever. It's Friday.

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Late to the sleepless party today.



Almost all the dishes, which it took 2 hours to accomplish along with making lunch.

23 dozen frozen meatballs portioned into freezer bags

Peaches sorted


Cleaned refrigerator leak

Story time

Progress made on big puzzle


To Do:

Wash baking pans


Make dr. Appt. for dd14

Phonics with dd6

Instrument practice

Clean off/out end table



Lunch - mashed sweet potatoes, peaches

Dinner - cream of broccoli soup, veggie chips


Dd was kind enough to ride her bike to the church for her afternoon meeting so I wouldn't have to pack everyone up to take her.

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12:30 -


We have packed all pills - both a.m. and p.m.. It is sad that I have to have a separate line item for this but there it goes.

We have folded and put away 3 loads of laundry while having a sock fight in which socks were grenades and special socks were bomb defusers. Yes - we are weird. I have no idea what the neighbors think.


Dd and I are running down to Safeway for some hot dog buns. We have other errands but we'll have to waste time and energy and do that later because it is already lunch time.

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For some reason, I keep adding stuff to my list. No clue why. At least my house is relatively clean for the time being... less for MIL to complain/comment on when she comes over.



Sorry for all the lousy sleep everyone! It's an epidemic. I hope mine gets better when dh returns from his business trip. Only two more nights to go.

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Joining in late because of the sleep problem, as well.


Picked up ds from water polo practice

Came home, slept until 1:30. Seriously.


Went to Starbucks and got some coffee, hoping to stay awake.


Ds and I watched video of all spells from Harry Potter on youtube.


Did two loads of laundry. Yay!



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I did more than I thought:

Packed away winter coats
Went through books to donate
Fed the chickens twice
Killed time here
Picked pea pods from the garden
Drove my dc to activities
Took a shower and conditioned my hair (does that count? lol)
Took dd to piano
Paid a bill online ;)
Washed garden greens for a stir-fry. Basically made dinner.
Didn't crab at dh when he texted a list of crud for me to do 'if I can' (which included asking me to communicate with a Cragslist seller, so no, did not actually do that).

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I'm home finally. Mostly good day, although I had to sit through several boring planning meetings.


Oil change for car √

Quick shopping trip to Target √

Head out for 4-H √

Prayer service tonight if I'm not too tired - didn't make it home in time

Pizza for dinner (?) --- all the kids are invited to go see The Wizard of Oz musical tonight so we are just having leftovers

Find sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. for visiting relatives

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Yes, stay home with me, Jean. Somehow I ended up home all by myself. The kids are all off to Music Circus, dh went to a choir potluck, and my relatives aren't showing up until 10:30 or 11. I'm sitting here drinking a mocha frappe and kicking back.

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