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is anybody on here an advid essential oil user??


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I am looking to gather infomation about this topic.


I am wanting to learn how to use EO instead of OTC meds for various reasons. I am looking to find good places to buy EO. I am wanting to know about certain sites I have seen and read on...and whether or not they are good, honest, fair.


One in particular sells Young Living brand of EO and has a kit for $150 that has all sorts of things included...and I am wonder if it's a good deal or not...here is the link to her site.http://www.essential-oils-info.com/...there is also a gal I have been talking to who is a fellow homeschooler who is just getting started in the EO business....I want to support her to...so I am just trying to sort this all out.


It just seems so much of the information I read is so vague...and I am the sort of person who needs to know very specifics about what to do, what to use, how to use it, how often, etc. Not just 3 drops of this, 1 drop of that...will solve this problem.


please guide and direct me. PM me if you would rather.


thanks so much!!!!

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I use a few oils - mainly neem oil, tea tree, lavender, and peppermint, although I'd also like to get some oregano oil. I buy them from Whole Foods mainly, and they are generally in 1oz dropper bottles and cost in the $10-$14 range, depending on the oil.


I have found them to be quite effective for some things...you will find some claims of miracle cures for everything, which makes me wary, but some (esp. the neem oil) have worked on certain issues far better than I was expecting, and even better than the medications we tried.



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I mostly use oils from www.edensgarden.com or from the local whole foods or vitamin shops. I like aromaweb.com for descriptions of different oils and their possible uses.


I also like this book: http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Book-Essential-Aromatherapy-ebook/dp/B0090QVWA2/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1371134554&sr=1-1&keywords=essential+oils+books


Just FYI, Young Living and Doterra (sp?) are MLMs. Just in case that matters to you.

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I mostly use oils from www.edensgarden.com or from the local whole foods or vitamin shops. I like aromaweb.com for descriptions of different oils and their possible uses.


I also like this book: http://www.amazon.co...tial oils books


Just FYI, Young Living and Doterra (sp?) are MLMs. Just in case that matters to you.


what is MLMs? I don't know if that matters to me or not. Would the information on her site be good or not??


I also have this book, so I am glad you think it's good. I am thinking I will buy the oils in the basic care kit. Are there any other oils I should consider adding to the kit?? and why?

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Personally, I think the Young Living brand is crappy oils and most people who are into this won't buy it from there


That's interesting. I have several YL oils and I like them a lot. My sister is a massage therapist and all of the people she works with use YL exclusively. Is there an issue with quality? I'd like to know if I'm going to keep using their oils because they are so expensive.


OP, I use YL and Aura Cacia.

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What is MLMs?


MLM stands for Multi Level Marketing. The most famous example of this is Mary Kay. It's a certain type of marketing strategy that some people object to. I used to sell Discovery Toys and it's true the MLMs can be pretty pushy on the sales end of things. I stopped doing it because it often ends up costing sellers more than they make. You have people above you who have recruited you and they make money based on what their recruits sell, so it's hard to make money at all unless you are heavily recruiting people to sell the products for you. Some people have had good experiences with it, but mine wasn't. I'm not sure how Young Living is about those things, but if it concerns you, I'd look into it.

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That's interesting. I have several YL oils and I like them a lot. My sister is a massage therapist and all of the people she works with use YL exclusively. Is there an issue with quality? I'd like to know if I'm going to keep using their oils because they are so expensive.


OP, I use YL and Aura Cacia.



They are diluted compared to some of the ones I use. When you compare the oils, there is a difference.

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I was looking at the Edens Garden oils...how many drops are in one of their 10mL bottles (approx)....and what carrier oils would you recommend for starters?


I am thinking of getting the basic kit...plus maybe the Thieves oil blend....would that be a good place to start??


here is another weird question....I have several of these: http://www.amazon.com/PediaCare-Vapor-Plug-Nightlight-Waterless-Vaporizer/dp/B001ECQ6AG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1371157103&sr=8-2&keywords=pediacare+gentle+vapors and I was wondering if I could buy the refill pads for the diffuser on the Eden's Garden site in these diffusers. Can some maybe measure the size of the pads for me. Or is that just not a good idea??



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I've gotten some oils from Sandi Queen (Queen Homeschool) that are wonderful. Her site has some good information and her oil combinations are unique. She had them displayed at the hs convention we attended so I could smell them all lol. She is very knowledgable and would be a good person to ask for information.


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Sounds like a good start. You can always get more. I use fractionated coconut oil as a carrier for everything. Everyone claims to have the best purest oils. You are going to have to figure out which you feel comfortable with. Also, I have a spa vapor diffuser, and it seems like most essential oil diffusers use water. Hope that helps some.

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I have this one: http://www.amazon.com/Greenair-Advanced-Wellness-Instant-Healthful/dp/B004GJRG3K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1371241537&sr=8-1&keywords=spa+vapor+diffuser


I originally bought a start up kit from doterra and the lady I bought from gave me the diffuser for free along with some fractionated coconut oil. So far its been fine for me. We've been giving it a workout this week as one son has a cold, so I've been putting in a breathe blend and on-guard blend (the doterra version of thieves). So far no one else has gotten it, and the son (7) says he likes it in his room at night. And, actually, today, on day three of his cold, he is doing much better (not nearly as many tissues have been used or coughs heard by me).

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Edens Garden

Hi NEprairiemom, 


An Edens Garden 10 ml bottle contains approximately 250-300 drops. An Edens Garden 30 ml bottle contains approximately 750-900 drops. This can also vary depending on the gravity/ weight of the oil.


Regarding a carrier oil, it really depends on which one meets your needs.


Here are a few of our favorites-


JOJOBA oil is very rich in Vitamin E and has an indefinite shelf life. This quality makes it ideal for mixing with essential oils. It leaves a soft, satiny finish to the skin without being greasy.


SWEET ALMOND oil is rich in proteins and Vitamin D. It's very soothing to dry and irritated skin. It leaves a slight oily feeling on the skin. It also has a sweet light aroma that won't overpower your blend. It's perfect for massage oil blends and for facial moisturizers.


APRICOT KERNEL oil is nice for essential oils since it hardly has any scent of its own. It's very light/non greasy, nourishing, high in Vitamin A, and is well suited for aging and mature skin.


GRAPESEED oil is rich in anti-oxidants, and very light. It's great for oily or acne prone skin, and leaves a smooth, satiny finish to skin. It also has very little scent.


Here is the link to our Refill Pads for the diffusers: http://www.edensgarden.com/gifts-sets-accessories/accessories/refill-pads-for-car-scenter#.UlchFVDbNqI




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Having made soap and other bath products for several years I have quite a bit of experience with essential oils.


Here are some good articles from a reputable source. 







 I would not buy from any of those MLM essential oil companies. 


There are many soap making supply companies that sell nice essential oils and for fair prices. Reputable companies should offer information regarding the type of distillation  and country of origin. I have ordered from all of these companies and was pleased with the service and products I received.











I have not ever heard anything negative regarding http://edensgarden.com/ I just haven't happened to have ordered from them.





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