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curriculitis-- stop me


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Tell me to stop. I need an intervention!


I have plenty for the boys to do for physics next year. I probably have more than enough.


I know, and have seen over and over again, that in many cases, less is truly more. They don't get tired of it. They don't get sick of it. They look forward to it. They care about it. They don't get "my brain is full" syndrome.


But I keep suffering from, "OOOOhhhhh that looks SO COOL!!!" syndrome and thinking I should just look at ONE MORE THING that we could "also" do with physics, "maybe as just a supplement."


The details are not important. What is important is that for once I NOT go over the top and make them do the equivalent of twelve full physics programs apiece next year. My younger is leaving grammar stage and easing into logic stage, and my older is mid-logic stage. They have precious little time left to just relax and enjoy learning in a more casual way . . . tell me NOT TO RUIN IT by trying to out-intense them. Tell me to leave THEM time to drive their learning and not fill their whole day, so that they have time to go learn what they are interested in, too.


Tell me to just stop already. It isn't their fault that I don't have 40million kids to teach, and can't turn back the clock and homeschool myself as a child too, and I need to not crush them with enthusiasm. I need to just back.off.and.slow.down.


I have enough. They are not going to go starving for education in this house. They do not need "more."


*sigh*. Help me ladies. Tell me. No more.

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LOL Just say no!


I wish I could take my own advice. I just finished last week buying all of my curriculum for next year. Then I came across an all-in-one curriculum that I just have to have. I have been on the hunt to find it used and it's still going to cost hundreds.


Maybe there is a 12 step program we can join?

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Me too!!!!! A couple of trips to the library temporarily relieved symptoms, but then a visit to the used book store caused a huge flare-up! I've even resorted to keeping a notebook by the bed to write down 3 am curriculum brainstorms. First-year curriculitis is the worst!

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Me too!!!!! A couple of trips to the library temporarily relieved symptoms, but then a visit to the used book store caused a huge flare-up! I've even resorted to keeping a notebook by the bed to write down 3 am curriculum brainstorms. First-year curriculitis is the worst!




We are starting our 5th year, it doesn't get any easier!

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I have been searching for a diagnosis....and now I have it. I have CURRICULITIS!!!


On a serious note, I think you hit the nail on the head and it's what I'm doing this year. My experience with TOG + way too much else last year taught me I need to slow down and spend time together. I think our goal should be to teach them HOW to learn and guide that process through great together time...NOT to teach them everything they could possibly ever learn.


So...in your words..."they have precious little time left to just relax and enjoy learning in a more casual way . . . [DO] NOT TO RUIN IT by trying to out-intense them...[L]eave THEM time to drive their learning and not fill their whole day, so that they have time to go learn what they are interested in, too." :)

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Unfortunately, too much time reading posts caught up with me and I too have curriculitis. I also was recently diagnosed with F.T.T.D., also known as "Follow This Thread Disease". I feel like I need to follow as many as possible so I don't miss out on anything. If anyone has a cure, please let me know. My dh would appreciate it!!

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There's no such thing as too much! However, you do need to set a fairly rigid schedule for yourselves and stick to it. I always have far more material and resources available than I could ever get through in a single lesson/unit/year, so I pick from my favorites and go with that. But I only give us a certain amount of time.


I learned this lesson my first year in country school when we did Astronomy and ONLY Astronomy. It was maybe a little too focused for K-8. ;)

But that doesn't stop me from gathering more! :D

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A virtual pal of mine has a wonderful system for going deep without a zillion add ons. Very simple theory. You pick your main spine, plan the time you are going to invest it in, then divide the pages by the time devoted (this, rather than chapters) - it's time based on the main content to cover.


That's a really good way to stop yourself from stuffing and being grandiose about what you can actually do.


The focus is to finish a set plan with deadlines.

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We're programmed to gather......whatever we perceive as being something our family needs. Sometimes it's toothpaste, sometimes it's books. What helped me with my obsessive need to collect curriculum was to collect lists of free stuff. Then I started to review the free stuff. I'm about three hundred pages into it, and for me it's like the equivalent of a dog rolling in goose poop, I'm just that happy. Some day I might even finish it up and post a link.......

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