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Exercise Thread ~ 6/2-6/8


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I did a kettlebell workout this morning. It was the Turkish Get-up workout out, 20 in all, plus lots of other work for my core. I felt tired, I think I've been pushing a bit hard. I plan on some Yin yoga later today. I have really been enjoying the yin yoga, as well as other gentle practices I've found on YogaGlo.com. I did a 30 min Yin practice last night. The long stretches and the breath work are wonderful.

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I woke up sore and didn't know why. Then I remembered I did Bob Harper's yoga warrior on Friday.


Today did Butt & Thighs and Boot Camp (I did 2 rounds not 3)

OH, those look good, especially the butt and thigh one.


Planning a bike ride this evening with the family and will do some sprints on the bike. Plan to do push-ups and pull-ups as well, couldn't do that this morning b/c dh was asleep w/ dd in the living room - rough night at my house!

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I did a kettlebell workout this morning. It was the Turkish Get-up workout out, 20 in all, plus lots of other work for my core. I felt tired, I think I've been pushing a bit hard. I plan on some Yin yoga later today. I have really been enjoying the yin yoga, as well as other gentle practices I've found on YogaGlo.com. I did a 30 min Yin practice last night. The long stretches and the breath work are wonderful.



I want some kettleballs. Will have to wait until after I buy school curricula though. Darn kids needin' learnin'.


I'll have to check out YogaGlo.com I could use some yin yoga.

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About to do Kari Anderson: Center Floor.


I plan on some Yin yoga later today. I have really been enjoying the yin yoga, as well as other gentle practices I've found on YogaGlo.com.

Kim, thank you for this. I used to love Yin Yoga and went to a weekly class on the beach. I have a wonderful Yin Yoga DVD and have been trying to think how to incorporate yoga more often into my regular routine. Ideally, I would love to do an hour of yoga every day, but time is limited, of course.

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I'm loving YogaGlo. I signed up for their 2 week trial, but I want to buy it. It will be worth it. This morning I did a short kettlebell strength workout, followed by 30 minutes Hatha yoga practice. I love the different timed practices they have, as well as all of the different styles. I'm loving the Yin, so meditative. But I'm also enjoying Hatha more too. I've always done Power/Vinyasa flow style, which I do like, but I'm enjoying trying different styles and teachers.

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Sunday: 1 hr bike and walk. I had planned to do bike sprints and pushups/pullups but I was toast after going up the hills. We biked first and the baby stayed in the trailer!!! However, she only tolerated that for about 30 min so then I walked w/ her in the Ergo. It is a start at least. I was proud at least to make it up the big hill. Hopefully we will get a chance to go more, the only problem is that it takes 2 vehicles to get all of us and all the bikes as well, thankfully it is only 10 min away.


Monday: CardioX done.


My legs and back are still a bit sore from Friday! I would like to take a walk today but we will see, weather looks like it will be nice.

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Today I will be taking a karate class, and weightlifting with my son (just started). He has us lifting on M/W/F. I think I may need a lighter bar for me since I have had a shoulder injury. Overhead presses and bench presses could easily cause it to flare up again. :sad:


I have no excuses for not doing squats though. :tongue_smilie:


Last night I downloaded this book:


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004IE9RGC/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title Interesting stuff!

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For those who use the online programs do you just watch them from your laptop or something? I like the idea of them but I'd have to use the chrome book and the screen is kind of small, do you find it easy enough to follow along? I like finding things on youtube as I can watch those on my blu-ray player but that takes more time. Perhaps I just need to sit and set-up some different play lists. I used it the other day for the tabata workout.

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it's been this way since I worked in the garden on friday. I have a very hilly yard. I've occasionally had trouble with my knee (predates yoga, I think the yoga has actually helped that. my sister has already had a knee replacement - I think that's my genetic predisposition age thing as many mrna female relatives have also had knee replacements.). I think the knee pain is more related to muscles, not the joint itself.

the current pain waivers from feeling like muscle to feeling like nerve. I do have issues with my hips and lumbar spine (one vertebra is very out of place. I assume from being thrown from a horse as a child. the vertebra above it are in alignment with the one that's wonky so if wonky v were where it was supposed to be, everything would be hunky dory.) I'll have my chiro look at the next time I'm in. Just not sure where the pain is coming from. I tried a really hot bath on friday, and it really didn't help.

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yoga, and worked in the garden last night and this morning. it was interesting putting my clothes on this morning and they are unpleasantly baggy. I haven't lost that much weight, but I've been building and toning muscle and it shows. (I have pulled clothes from the back of the closet.)

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Kenpo last night (30 min) and Short and Sweet Yoga #3 today. Goodness, I haven't done that particular yoga routine much, it is certainly challenging. It is amazing how much so given that the movements are generally not large ones or excessively fast. Good workout! Tomorrow I'll likely do squats and pushups again like last week. To my surprise I haven't been sore from my pushups and pull-ups Tuesday.

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This morning was a double kettlebell workout, meaning it was 2 different workouts from the program both scheduled today. I decided to work out at the gym. It's a pool facility, but it has a small weight room. The swim coach had a couple of lower weight kettlebells. So I used dumbells for some stuff, and 2 20# bells for the swings. It was a tough workout and now I'm tired. Tomorrow is yoga day. :) Then we leave on vacation. It's going to be hard to keep up my routine.

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I'm putting this here, because I didn't add it saturday. Did bar method that I got from the library. I liked it well enough, but I like the barr3 my dd gave me for my birthday better. that and a more difficult yoga practice. Now I need to be more consistent about adding that into my weekly rotation. I also did about 2hrs of work in the yard.

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