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How to "finish out" SOTW 1 over the summer?


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This past year, after pulling DD 3rd out of public school, we used SOTW for history. But we didn't start until December. We've enjoyed it (although DD isn't too keen on the narrations...yet), but we're only about 1/2 way through it. My plan was to finish it over the summer with all three of my girls in preparation for starting vol.2 in the fall. In order to do that, it's looking like I'll have to do about 3 chapters per week (because we want at least a 3 to 4 wk. break). Is there some way that I can cover it quickly? Today I read a whole chapter (which was a bit much for the youngers) while they colored a page. Then I wrote up a narration that we did together.


I'm also working with DD9 on some math to get caught up. It just seems like the history, plus math, plus some reading, plus working with the youngers on some things is perhaps a bit more than what we wanted to do for our summer "break." Granted, DD9 needs to make up some hours (probably only about 70ish).


Does anyone have any suggestions as far as how to approach finishing SOTW1? I really would like to start at the "beginning" of a year's worth of history "curriculum" for the fall.

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Well.... I am in the same boat. I think what I am going to do is have them listen to it on CD --and not do written narrations every time. Though my kids are a lot older and are just doing it for reinforcement;they did other things as well. But I wanted them to read through SOTW too. So.....long story but listening to a CD might break it up for both you and the kids?

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Could you not skip some of it, or at least skip some of it with the youngers if it is too much for them as they will get back to it at some stage. You could use the audio or read through the parts of a chapter twice a day rather than in one sitting. You could also just narrate twice a week instead of for every section - so while you would be reading every day you wouldn't expect a narration every day. You could also possibly leave out entire sections and do a brief review when you get there in SOTW 2 - so you could decide that Roman history was very important for you, but you will leave Chinese history this round and skip those whole chapters - or whatever works for you.


The other thing you could do is decide that it is not so important to start a separate section of history next year after all (in actual fact there are no separate sections of history - firstly they are all intertwined and affect the future and if you are studying them in order than it is a continuum - things didn't suddenly jump from one day to the next from ancient history to the Middle Ages. So you could easily just carry on wherever you finish this summer in the fall and perhaps just move quickly next year to try to finish SOTW1 and SOTW2 by the end of the next school year if that would work better for you.

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The other thing you could do is decide that it is not so important to start a separate section of history next year after all (in actual fact there are no separate sections of history - firstly they are all intertwined and affect the future and if you are studying them in order than it is a continuum - things didn't suddenly jump from one day to the next from ancient history to the Middle Ages. So you could easily just carry on wherever you finish this summer in the fall and perhaps just move quickly next year to try to finish SOTW1 and SOTW2 by the end of the next school year if that would work better for you.



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I'd second listening to the audio book in the car wherever you go and perhaps you could also pick the most fun activity out of the three chapters that you hope to finish each week and doing it so that they're not feeling like it's work, but something fun. It'll be work for you over break, but if your kids like projects it'll just feel like you've got this awesome treat for them each week over the summer.

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I would maybe do one narration a week, instead of one with every section like SWB suggests. For other reinforcement, just ask the questions and do oral narration. It goes a ton faster! lol


I really liked the projects (but the projects in SOTW2 are even better!), and the maps are important, I think.


Probably I'd try to do just 2 chapters a week (3 seems too much), with a project, a map and one narration (even if it's oral) per chapter. Then I'd quit schooling and take a 6 week break. I'd just start where I left off, and add 4 weeks to the end of the next year, and squeeze a couple of chapters together the next year. You should be even by then.

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Thanks for all the good thoughts! I'll come up with something that works for us based on your suggestions. :) Where's the best (cheapest) place to order the audio cds?



If you can't find it through your library, Rainbow Resource or Amazon. I'd check both and see which one works out cheaper.

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