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Exercise Thread ~ 5/26-6/1


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I started my last phase of my kettlebell program yesterday. It's a month of 4 strength workouts. plus cardio, a week. It's about 45 minutes of kettlebell work. It kick my b*tt. Today I am doing yoga. As a treat I signed up for Yogaglo.com for the month. I will need lots of yoga work to balance the kettlebell. I've always loved Yogatoday.com, but they stick to the 1 hour format. Yogaglo has lots of time options.

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did my yoga. I feel like I reached a new 'level' of tone and strengthen. I love the flexibility. I am well enough to add the more difficult yoga routine and the barr3 routine back into the rotation this week.

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Hi all!

This weeks plan:


mon: cardioX

tues: chest and back

wed: kenpo

thurs: yoga

fri: legs and back


Completed cardioX last night. I should be working out right now but dh is picking me up some dumbells as I got rid of mine while I was pregnant and nesting, sigh. Perhaps, I will be able to do at least part of my workout in the am which will really help with fitting everything in, last night it was crazy trying to get from scratch supper fixed +cake (which I didn't eat :) ), 45 minute workout and clean the house- all in 2 hrs.

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That's some serious weight you're squatting!


I have to be so so careful with squats. If I don't do them exactly perfect every single time I'll take out my knee. In fact my knee gives a crunching sound with every squat. I have no idea what it is. It doesn't hurt. It just sounds like a crunching or grinding noise. It's loud. My dh can hear if he's working out next to me. Kind of freaks me out, and I'm not willing to do squats holding more than 5 lbs.

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That's some serious weight you're squatting!


I have to be so so careful with squats. If I don't do them exactly perfect every single time I'll take out my knee. In fact my knee gives a crunching sound with every squat. I have no idea what it is. It doesn't hurt. It just sounds like a crunching or grinding noise. It's loud. My dh can hear if he's working out next to me. Kind of freaks me out, and I'm not willing to do squats holding more than 5 lbs.




My left knee will do that crunching thing sometimes. My dh told me as long as it doesn't hurt it's fine. He's a doc, but family practice, not really his speciality, but I've been going with it. I have not had any pain. But I do understand about wanting to be careful. You do not want to hurt your knees.


Also, this past time I met with the kettlebell trainer he did a FMS (functional movement screen) on me. My only issue was with my right knee (the left is the one that crunches). My knees point in, the right one points in a lot, so it doesn't tract correctly over my foot. I try to "force" it the best I can but it is just wrong. He also didn't think the left knee "crunching" was an issue, as long as it tracked correctly and there was no pain. He wants me to work more on tracking the right one, but it's really a biomechanical issue, it's like it' put on wrong. But I keep trying.

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Did p90x chest and shoulders last night, modified. I couldn't find legs and back so decided to do just upper body and after upteen sets of pushups and I was getting very fatigued I started doing pull-up sets instead and then switched back and forth when I got fatigued w/ those and then went until I was wore out, it was about 40 minutes. I wore my splint for awhile yesterday as well and did some of the exercises, hopefully today I will do better on this, planning to start Kenpo here soon, working out in the evening leaves us too little time to get everything done. Planning on doing 30-45 min.


Kleine I signed up for the fitness blender, it is not the clearest to me though, it seems I can view some videos now.

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I've started a new regime over the last three weeks, and I swear I have noticed more changed in my body in this short time than I have over the last 8 months. It's much more intense and I am really enjoying the muscle aches............well, to the degree that you can enjoy them ;) Today was Upper Body day and I truly thought my arms were going to give and I was going to break my face while doing the Wall Mountain Climbers. I'm really going to feel it tomorrow. I feel it now.

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Thanks KH for the tip, I'm checking it out now. I wore my splint 2 hrs yesterday and did several sets of the mummy tummy exercises in the am and evening. I am sore ALL over. Planning to do yoga here shortly, trying to wake up enough. I think I'll do about 30 min but we will see. I want to take a walk or bike today.

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I did some brushing before and it did seem to help w/ my tummy. I know my belly does look better than it did right after #1, as I didn't get stretch marks with any of my subsequent pregnancies. It was so damaged though it seems so daunting. At least I don't seem to have near as much extra skin as I did though.


Short and Sweet Yoga #1 done- 30 min. I couldn't find YogaX but it is a good one, although I did notice it was much easier then when I started it before. I could do almost all the yogic pushups, well until we got to the part where he does several all together. Good workout, worked up a sweat, got my heart rate up, but also stretched my sore muscles.

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Legs and butt today followed by 10 minutes of interval skipping and a short yoga stretch routine. Am I the only one who is totally afraid to give it her all in case she ends up accidentally kicking her in-your-face toddler in the head when she walks by? I should start enforcing a rule where they need to put on bike helmets during exercise hour ;)

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This morning I ran for 3 miles, then did 30 minutes of yoga from YogaGlo. This afternoon I did 40 minutes of kettlebell.


The brushing sounds interesting. I just got something to exfoliate, but I may look into the brushes. I have horrible stretch marks, don't know if it would work, but it could be worth trying.

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I have kicked, stepped on, and knocked over each of my kids at some point. The rule is they have to stay out of my way because I can't focus on where they are. If they want to be in the room while I'm working out then they must be aware of the risks. :lol:

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I only did about 2/3 of my yoga practice yesterday, I simply ran out of time and didn't go back to do the mat/floorwork - but made up for it with 45 minutes of weeding on my slope. (and soaked in a hot bath afterwards) I did a full practice this morning.


dudeling used to like crawling all over me. (now I try to do it before he gets up.) I asked him if he wanted a groucy mommy or a nice mommy. he stays out of my way.

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Not much time this morning to talk about brushing. I don't think it's a magic bullet or anything when it comes to stretch marks. At least that hasn't been my experience. I do it primarily for lymphatic circulation. I try to do it pretty much first thing in the morning. It really wakes me up and helps me get going with the day. I buy my brushes from Target/health food stores. Amazon has some very good ones also.


No time for a workout yet. Hope to do a Leslie Walk or something later. Did lots of yoga yesterday afternoon.

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Did about 20 min this am. 8 min tabata squats/pushups- did about 75 pushups and about the same on squats. Then I did a short brazilian buttlift video and some more squats. I won't be able to sit down tomorrow. We took about an hr walk yesterday, some leisurely, some was a bit more intense- trying to quickly push the stroller up the hill w/ 2 in it and some just a normal pace. I think I'll try to do another short leg workout this evening. The next few days I officially scheduled as off but I'd like to do some pushups/pullups and biking. We haven't went biking in a bit, I'm hoping the baby can sit up in the trailer now as otherwise one of us has to do the stroller, which isn't near as fun as everyone biking together.

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I haven't been around in awhile but thought I'd join in...

A good friend and I have signed up for 2 5k runs in September!! :) So I'm super stoked... and we had to start getting ready for them! lol

So anyway, this is my second week. Actually maybe more like third? I did take the kids running the first week, but found that it's just a whole lot easier for me to do it on my own - a four year old doesn't exactly make running easy. :p Though it was a good way to get started.

Anyway, I ran Tuesday and Thursday mornings for about 30 minutes, alternating walking/jogging (slowly - we started off a little too fast and my shins were KILLING me as of Tuesday morning! But Thursday we slowed it down some and it felt much better!) about 1/4 mile at a time. I'll go again tomorrow. :)

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I haven't been around in awhile but thought I'd join in...

A good friend and I have signed up for 2 5k runs in September!! :) So I'm super stoked... and we had to start getting ready for them! lol

So anyway, this is my second week. Actually maybe more like third? I did take the kids running the first week, but found that it's just a whole lot easier for me to do it on my own - a four year old doesn't exactly make running easy. :p Though it was a good way to get started.

Anyway, I ran Tuesday and Thursday mornings for about 30 minutes, alternating walking/jogging (slowly - we started off a little too fast and my shins were KILLING me as of Tuesday morning! But Thursday we slowed it down some and it felt much better!) about 1/4 mile at a time. I'll go again tomorrow. :)



Exciting! Yes, 4 yr olds do tend to slow the running down. Mine always wants me to stop and look at rocks. I found if he is on his balance bike I can get a bit more jogging done.



Not sure if I'll have time to do anything really today. I hope I do something. Slept horribly. :(



Hope you feel better soon. My youngest has a cold and I've been up with him the past two nights.


Today, is my off day.

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