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Yes. You really can. I would feel the same way in your situation. But if I was in the friend's situation, I would feel terrible that you worried about it at all. I always freak out about people coming over and having the house picked up.....but when the shoe is on the other foot, I never, ever even give a thought about how clean/organized it is. And that's as a woman..... A guy is much, much less likely to even notice, much less care.

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He's a good friend of your husband's and, as mentioned, he's a guy (so his standards are probably lower than yours).


I completely understand the embarrassment of having friends in your chaotic home. But I'd have him stay and just apologize for the mess.

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My response would be along the lines of:


"We'd be very happy to have you stay with us, but because of our move, our house is a bit chaotic at the moment and the bedroom where we'd normally have you sleep is full of boxes. You're very welcome to sleep on the sofa, but if you might feel more comfortable in a hotel, that's not a problem either. We're looking forward to having you, please excuse our mess."


He KNOWS you are moving. If he minded, he would have canceled the visit.

I'd rather stay with friends in a chaotic house than not stay with them at all.

I have slept in sleeping bags on floors.


ETA: Kids' room is a good idea, IF you have multiple kid bedrooms and can move them all into one. Having kids sleep in the living room because their room is given to the guest would be more distractive than having the guest sleep on the sofa.

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Um, you're moving. Your house is half-packed, and full of boxes, right? Forgive me if this to too blunt or rude, but I think it was very unfair of your husband to put you in this situation (to host a guest while you're in the middle of all this.) I say have him in a hotel.



I'm torn, but resolved.

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