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You'd think after five babies, I'd recognize genuine labor...

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Up all night every 15 minutes to generally mild contractions - painful enough to wake me up each time, but not painful enough to panic. Still, I couldn 't help but think "this is it!". I even made the mistake of asking my dh at 3:30am if he wanted to have a baby today.


But, here I am, at 7:30, functioning on maybe 2 hours of sleep and not a contraction to be had in the past 2 hours. RRRR! Why can't I be one of those women who just goes into labor and poof, 3 hours later is holding their little bambino. My experience tells me that these labor pains will continue for several days off and on. Blah!

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Up all night every 15 minutes to generally mild contractions - painful enough to wake me up each time, but not painful enough to panic. Still, I couldn 't help but think "this is it!". I even made the mistake of asking my dh at 3:30am if he wanted to have a baby today.


But, here I am, at 7:30, functioning on maybe 2 hours of sleep and not a contraction to be had in the past 2 hours. RRRR! Why can't I be one of those women who just goes into labor and poof, 3 hours later is holding their little bambino. My experience tells me that these labor pains will continue for several days off and on. Blah!


(((Amy)))) I hope it goes quickly and smoothly for you...when it goes :) Try to get some rest today. (I know, I know...but one has to say it, kwim?;))

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OK, I jest. Sort of. Mine always come when I'm good 'n exhausted from not sleeping for three or four days.


And if it's any help, we thought we had a very distinctive pattern with the onset of labor - set any clock by it, yessiree. Til the last one, and she just blew away every theory we had! LOL! (I can laugh. Now. You will too. Eventually. ;))


Hang in there. Got any impossibly large projects you could start? Or perhaps invite all the neighbors over for an impromptu BBQ? You know, just something to guarantee that it would be a horribly inconvenient time to go into labor. Sometimes that does the trick, right? :)


{{hugs}} and I'm not one to talk, but I'll hide behind Andie - try to rest some today.


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same pattern you described. Regular contractions strong enough to keep me up. This would go on for days, every other day or so. Sometimes it would happen during the day. Finally, I got sick of it. Went to see my MW and she checked me. Turns out I was 5cm dilated already w/ a bulging bag of water! She gave me an herb tincture called B&B Labor Formula which I took 2-3 drops of every 1/2 hour and walked around most of the day. By evening, my contractions were strong, regular and my water broke. Good luck. Hang in there. If you are desperate to get it going, try getting your hands on this or some Black/Blue Cohosh and walk, walk, walk! I'd suggest Castor Oil, but it is rather yucky. If you want, though, do at least 3 oz. Castor oil mixed w/ your beverage of choice (root beer, orange juice, etc.) and wait.

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I know how you feel! With my third and fourth I was in preterm/prodromal labor for a very long time! For several weeks in a row I would have contractions 5 minutes apart for up to 9 hours at a time (this led to several trips to L&D with my fourth... which was a shot to my pride as I'd worn my "no false alarms" history as a badge! LOL). It was very discouraging and exhausting. I just couldn't take the risk of not going in as active labor for me usually lasted less than 2 hours (and once I hit 4cm with that baby he was out in less than 45 minutes... at 5 weeks early.) Each time the contractions would continue for a few hours in hospital and then suddenly stop (until that last time of course.)


Hang in there!! One of these days it will be the real deal! ((hugs)) I know you know that... but with my last one I started actually thinking I was going to be in prodromal labor forever! At this stage in the game, sex is the thing that made it finally kick into full gear!

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This sound slike me!! I just had my baby who is now 6 weeks old and all I did was go abck and fortth to see if I was dilating....I refused to feel embarressed, but still... I htought the baby would never come. Dh remained concerned and dead-worried, what with all the snow and ice we got here in NH!


Nothing worked for me and I knwo that I would have gone a week voerdue had they net decided to try to break the water due to low amniotic fluid and me wanting to get this over with. Oh well, reading this thread made me feel all human since I wasn't the only one then!!


Good luck!

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The only time I went to the hospital with what I thought was labor only to be turned away (3 different times) was with my 5th! The nurses even commented that they normally see this with their 1st times mom not moms like me. :-) It was all TOO familiar to my experienced body!



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I made two trips to the ER with false labor! I was convinced I was in labor, but wasn't! I was so annoyed (my husband was, too, because we don't have great insurance, so those ER visits were expensive). Third time's a charm, right? Finally, on the day when our youngest was born I woke up, took a bath, and cried for 30 minutes straight in the tub, thinking "This is so stupid! Why haven't I had this baby yet?" Of course I was as big as a house. Finally that afternoon the real labor started. It was such a relief by then!


Hugs and prayers to you and your family during this time!



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