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Anyone else spending Mother's Day weekend busier than usual?


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In my world, everyone decided this weekend would be the best weekend to plan every children's event known to mom. I've spent a lot of time this week preparing for these events. Most of today is being spent on final preparations and chauffeuring The rest of the weekend is for catching up on housework and laundry that didn't get done. Who thinks to plan everything on Mother's Day weekend?


ETA: I'm not complaining (see post 7), just surprised that everything would get planned for THIS weekend of all weekends.

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For us it's Father's Day. My dh gets bad allergies in May. So after years of him being sick in bed and me waiting on him and entertaining the kids out of the house so he could nap... we switched it.


He is unhappily having to do a bunch of computer work. But I took the kids shopping and then we started playing a new board game (Space Cadets). We are on a break since his work called and he is having to do stuff. So the kids are playing Lego Starwars (Gramma gave Eldest a Wii for the month for his birthday present). And I am thinking I should be doing dishes, but I'm here instead.

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Pretty much a normal weekend here. I've done laundry, cooked a crock pot full of chicken breasts, made a bazillion dog biscuits and a gallon of tea, and spent three hours at the baseball field watching youngest DS's game. I expect tomorrow will be just as busy with normal stuff. We are, however, headed out to a restaurant tonight. But that's a normal Saturday thing, too. So . . . life as usual. And that's perfectly okay.

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I'm not complaining. After years worrying about my kids' lack of friends, my daughter is going to a formal dinner and dance with friends tonight. I'm excited for her; it's been fun renting a dress, buying shoes, getting her ears pierced, etc. My son is making new friends and having fun on his first ever camping trip with the boy scouts. My younger son is at a birthday party with three of his favorite people. And my youngest daughter is feeling special on a date with daddy. For the most part, I'm living exactly the life I want. And I do get two four-day weekends away from home every year with my family's blessing.

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It's a pretty typical weekend for us.


On Friday, while my daughter was at work and my son and husband were out gaming with a group of my husband's friends, I finally had a chance to finish washing, drying and folding(!) the piles of laundry I'd been stepping over and around for the last two days, which was nice.


Yesterday, I got my son up and around and fed and left with him at 8:30 to take him to a dance audition. I waited around for him there until about 10:45, then drove him home, arriving just in time to drive my daughter to a volunteer training session for the theatre festival beginning next weekend. That lasted an hour, after which I drove her back to the same community college campus to which I had taken my son that morning so she could attend her acting group. While she was busy there, I ran errands and filled the car's gas tank, after which I picked her up and drove her the 25 miles to one of her part-time jobs. There were two accidents on the highway, and it took us about an hour to make the trip. I made it home sometime around 5:00. I took a short nap, then made dinner for the three of us who were home and had just enough time to more or less clear the table before I had to leave to make another 50-mile round trip to bring my daughter home from work. When I got back from that, I finished cleaning up the kitchen and then sat down to finish my current book. I went to bed around 1:00.


My daughter is working an early shift today. So, I was up at 5:45 in order to have time to get the dog outside and throw on some clothes before leaving at 6:25 to make yet another 50-mile round trip. I stopped on the way home to pick up cat food, then came home and fed all three animals, added my daughter's breakfast dishes to the dishwasher and started that, then napped on the couch for 90 minutes until my husband and son were up for the day. I've now made them breakfast and and about to go shower and dress so that I can be out of here within an hour to go back and pick up my daughter.


Life has been so busy lately that it seems like I never get a chance to do a full grocery shopping in an organized and thoughtful way, and we're always running out of something. Once we decide what we want for dinner, I'm planning to make a list of everything we need to get through until Thursday (payday and regular shopping day here) and do one trip this afternoon to take care of it. Then, of course, there will be dinner to make and clean up, and another typically relaxing weekend will be in the past.

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