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What is on your "teacher" summer reading list?

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Just got this book recently and love it. It is a living math book for older kids. (Middle and early High School.)


I've heard it is good. I wanted to read it this summer to see when I should give it to my oldest to read. Have any of your kids used it? Oh, and your booklist is going to cost me money. :toetap05:

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The Rafe Esquith books on this thread reminded me of a teaching book I have thoroughly enjoyed but never actually bought; so I just treated myself to a used copy and will be reading it this summer ...


The Elements of Teaching

and thinking about developing spirits

Dynamics of Faith


for my intellectual preparation:

by Jared Diamond:

Guns, Germs & Steel


The World Until Yesterday (I think I'll read it -- I've only skimmed it, and found it to be much less tightly argued than his other work. He wanders too far afield. There is a critical comment about using images of young people in advertising soda, even though old folks drink it too, that falls apart if you understand advertising or art history or economics. but I think it's worth reading and will bug me less than CP ;) )


Steven Pinker. Note to all: he's worth reading IMHO but he is very critical of most religiosity.

Blank Slate

The Decline of Violence


Charles Mann:




and just bought myself, for mother's day, Lancelot Hogben's "The Wonderful World of Mathematics" to read over the summer and teach from next year. A shout-out to livingmath.net, where I found the reference for this.


and RE Climbing Parnassus ... I have this little hope that one of y'all, at least, also found that it drove you bonkers. sigh. Even the 2nd part.

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for my intellectual preparation:

by Jared Diamond:

Guns, Germs & Steel






I'm going through some Jared Diamond this summer, too! I'm within pages of finishing Guns, Germs & Steel (I am loving it, although I've found that the latter half wasn't as compelling as the first.) Collapse is probably the next Diamond book I'll tackle.


Frantically writing down other titles from this thread ...

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TWTM (3rd Ed. again, 1st Ed. first time thru)

The Liping Ma book on mathematics

Learning Teaching by Scrivener (I'm training to be an ESL teacher)

Simplicity Parenting (like PP I started, skimmed, want to go back)

How To Tutor

How To Read A Book (again)

Strong-willed Child Or Dreamer?

Smart Kids With Learning Difficulties


Edited with most of my list

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Everything about Montessori offline and online that I can find, as well as reorganizing my home (again) and taking my external drive to the printer and throwing money at them for color prints and laminating stuff and making DIY materials till my fingers bleed more than likely.


I'm also reading The Uses of Enchantment.


That will likely be most of my summer.

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