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To pay, or not to pay?


To pay, or not to pay?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do? see post

    • Just pay the fine and hope they find her book so she can go on trip
    • Don't pay the fine-Keep her home (even though she wants to go to school anyway)
    • Don't pay the fine, but let her go to school
    • other (please elaborate)

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So last week dd turned in her textbooks. The school says she hasn't turned in her science book. She turned in the book she's been using all year...if they were somehow switched during a class period, she doesn't know how/when. But she DID turn in a book. Tomorrow is the end of year field trip for the 8th graders. She says if I don't pay for the book, she can't go, and will have to stay at school w/ another teacher (prob in a 7th grade classroom or something w/ busy work).


They scan them using the barcode, so there is no way to "prove" that she turned in a book, because they guy scanning them in, didn't catch it when he scanned them in.


The school didn't send anything home about it until today, the trip is tomorrow.


Dh and I don't want to pay for it (classroom sets haven't been turned in yet), and kind of want to wait to see if the book turns up since it's only been since Friday or maybe Thursday.


She says she is fine going to school, even if she doesn't get to go on the trip.


I feel bullied into paying the fine, but I feel it's wrong, since she turned in the book she had. She isn't a thief, she didn't just grab some book and turn it in!



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Been there on this one. I paid the fine, then waited a few days and called the stock clerk.

DS's book had been turned in by someone else by then and she issued me a refund of the fine. There is really no good way to argue with the barcode reader and it wasn't worth the hassle.

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Was there identifying information in the text? Like in the front cover was there an "issued to" box that has the name of the student next to the year they used the book. Are the books still in the school building?


You could pay the fine, get a reciept and request a time to go through the boxes of collected science texts. Then you can get a refund. It would be a pain to do (I've searched school library shelves for books my child returned and found them).


I would pay the fine and have my dd go on the trip, because she didn't do anything wrong.


If you plan for her to go to public high school the fine will likely follow her there and at graduation she will not be permitted to graduate. If you move and need transcripts sent, you may not get them sent until the fine is paid. So, you may not be able to get out of this without paying the fine long term.

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One of the things that irritates me is, I asked her who the book she turned in belonged to, and she doesn't know..."because Mr. L. doesn't know who she is"...but he didn't say, hey, this has someone else's name than your other books... ya know? I'm wondering if he was scanning so fast, maybe it didn't even register...sometimes they have to be scanned twice-just like at the store, or library,or..... I guess I'll take her to school, and see if we can't wait. Textbooks aren't cheap, and my friend whose dd did lose a book last year, was told "Just pay it before graduation" and she isn't being prohibited from field trips or extracurriculars!

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Is the administration that hard nosed? I think I'd call the school, speak with the principal, assistant principal, academic dean, someone in the upper reaches of the administration, explain the situation and see if they'd allow your dd to go anyway. Sometimes what kids are told is meant to make them think about what's going on, to figure out if they can help solve the problem (and many times it does), but if a parent steps in, especially in a situation like this, there might be more leeway given.


So, if this were me, I'd call the school first thing to clarify with the admin. If they still won't give, I'd be prepared to pay the fine and go to the school to look at the books myself. If dd returned a book, she shouldn't be punished. I'll bet next year, she'll be watching those barcodes very carefully when the books are issued!

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I'd sigh and just pay the fine. Its a cost of going to public school.


So far this year we've paid for one library book and two phonics readers that I'm fairly certain my kid did not lose. But I was told I had to pay or he couldn't continue with various priviliges. so I did.

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So I didn't have to pay. :D

Book room guy did have to listen to me rant and complain, but he did spend 5 minutes looking for the book on his ipad, (he wasn't going to offer) and lo and behold, the book had been turned in. I was there when the doors opened this am. So, they didn't even bother to recheck yesterday before sending the note home w/ her. :cursing:

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