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For us, it will have to be for logic. Writing instruction comes when it comes in R&S, maybe once a week, maybe less often. But the cross curricular happens often. For us to finish or come near to finishing our spelling, one day a week wouldn't work. And grammar, possibly. Mine is very good in grammar, gets it in latin, and often only does it twice a week as it is, but it is enough for her to read through the lesson and get it most days. She could probably do a week's worth in a setting and be fine.


For my other dd for whom L.A. comes not so easily, I can't see that plan working at all. She needs spelling and grammar daily for retention.

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We are finishing up 5th, but we do many of these things once or twice a week:

--Spelling Wisdom is a prepared dictation program. It is supposed to be done once or twice a week (she does 2 lessons/week). My DD is a natural speller and this method works very well with her.

--Write On is scheduled once or twice a week...we aim for a lesson each week and it sometimes takes her two days to complete. She also does 2 notebook pages each week (basically written narration) and daily oral narration. She struggles with writing and this is what we've come up with after struggling to find something all year!

--We are currently using Grammar Land with the free worksheets once or twice a week. I'm planning a grammar heavy year (or two) with light grammar years in between. I'm thinking one year in jr. high and one year early in high school. We also do Latin 3-4 times/week which has some grammar as well. I just purchased Our Mother Tongue for grammar, but haven't had a chance to give it a closer look.


I'm planning on a very similar schedule for 6th. I haven't decided on Logic at this point...we may hold off another year and continue to work on her writing. Spelling Wisdom and Write On are meant to be used for several years and I plan on continuing with them as long as they are working for her!

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For writing we use School Composition, a vintage book from Google books. She also does writing for science and history.


For grammar she has been doing Hake, and I just posted in a thread that I planned to continue doing Hake, but then dd came to me with a reasonable and well-thought out spiel on why she wants to switch, so we will be switching to Rules of the Game from EPS. Dd has a very thorough grounding in grammar already.


We'll also continue doing Latin, so she'll get grammar from that.


My daughter is very strong in language arts.



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We'll also continue doing Latin, so she'll get grammar from that.


My daughter is very strong in language arts.




Given these two factors, I think the plan sounds fine. It would not be fine for my current sixth grader, but he struggles in language arts, though his spelling is stellar. :)


You can evaluate as you go and if you see weaknesses developing, you can make changes. You might present it to your dd as an "experiment" just in case you need to make changes.

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She also does writing for science and history.




Dd has a very thorough grounding in grammar already.


We'll also continue doing Latin, so she'll get grammar from that.


My daughter is very strong in language arts.





These statements go a long way towards making me think your idea could work well for your daughter. It probably wouldn't work well for a student who struggled with language arts or who didn't have a thorough grammar background, wasn't doing other writing, and so on.


I'd say try it! You can always change things up if you get into your year and it isn't working.


Merry :-)

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If she is writing other days besides the day she does formal writing then I think that's fine.


As for spelling, if it's only once a week, I don't really see the point. I would just review misspelled words with her and work on it in the context of her writing.


For logic, is she just doing logic puzzles like Building Critical Thinking Skills or is she moving to actual, formal logic? The workbook type thing would be fine for once a week, but I think formal logic would require more time than that.


My gut reaction is that once a week grammar is not enough. Personally I would do 2-3 times a week with one of the days being an application to her own writing. But since I don't know your dd, once may very well be fine.

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Well, I'm not intending to do formal spelling at all and not much formal grammar with my sixth grader next year, because I want them to be done more in an as-needed way, in writing, particularly cross-curricular writing. We'll be doing a more formal writing program (WWS1) daily, or close to daily, though, but that's a weaker area for her, whereas grammar is a stronger one. Logic will be once a week or so; there's only so much time in the day.

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