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La leche league?


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Can you talk to me about the current climate and meetings? My mama went back when I was a baby, so she's told me about how it was back then.


Would there be any value in me going at this point? I'm nursing my fourth baby. I've nursed all my children through toddlerhood and pregnancies, dealt with allergies, special needs, ect.


I'm looking to branch out and meet some new friends, so I thought I'd give it a try.


Anyone with wisdom?

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I went for both of my girls (currently aged 6 and 2). Some of the friends I made there with dd6 are still in my life. And our local leaders are WONDERFUL!!!


I think that you would meet many new friends in such a group.


I also think that you have a wealth of knowledge to share with other moms (extended nursing, sn, allergies). They may or may not choose the same path as you, but sharing your experiences gives them options. They may say, "That was so helpful," or they may say, "I would NEVER do that!" but it does give them choices.

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I went for both of my girls (currently aged 6 and 2). Some of the friends I made there with dd6 are still in my life. And our local leaders are WONDERFUL!!!


I think that you would meet many new friends in such a group.


I also think that you have a wealth of knowledge to share with other moms (extended nursing, sn, allergies). They may or may not choose the same path as you, but sharing your experiences gives them options. They may say, "That was so helpful," or they may say, "I would NEVER do that!" but it does give them choices.


I hadn't thought of that, really, thanks!

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Groups vary greatly by location, it seems.


A friend of mine went to a local group a few times and didn't like it at all.

I went to another group one town over and loved it! The women were very helpful and friendly.


I would think that you have a great deal of wisdom you could pass on. As much as I loved my group, there was no one there at the time that had experience with premature babies and/or allergies, both of which I was dealing with. The ladies were so helpful, but I did feel lost at times.

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Try a local group, and if you don't like it, try another one.


I totally didn't click with the first LLL group I tried. The next week I went to another group's meeting and it was great. Fifteen years later I'm still good friends with one of the moms I met there; in fact she introduced me to homeschooling. :thumbup1:

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Go for it. I joined after my first was weaned because I was in a new town and needed recommendations for a pediatrician. I had a bf supportive pediatrician, who would follow up on a birth center baby, lined up before I was pregnant with #2. I met several homeschooling families through LLL too. In fact, the first homeschooling books i read came from the LLL library. Socially and practically it was very good for me AND my kids :-)

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I also was introduced to homeschooling through friends in LLL. I was involved in a great group when my oldest was born. We had a monthly official meeting, then a weekly playgroup and such. They were wonderful ladies and I still keep in contact with several through fb even though I've moved to the other side of the world. In fact when we moved here, LLL was one if the first things I looked up. Australia has it's own version.


It really will vary by group though. The one in the next town over didn't have the right vibe for me, and when we moved across the country I never was comfortable in that group. I hope you'll find one that is right for you.

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