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Colleges still accepting apps for fall 2013 - many have aid available

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I know most are set in where they are going already, but each year NACAC lists colleges who, for whatever reason, still have space available in their freshman class - and whether one can still get financial aid + housing from them or not.


For anyone still looking or hoping for a better option, here's this year's list:




There are some nice schools on there.

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Just thought I'd mention that one of my best friend's daughter is attending Rider in NJ and she absolutely loves it there. My daughter's best friend is a jr this year and visited Charleston Southern in February. She wants to double major in sociology & psychology and right now, that is her first choice school.

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My guy's current top choice for next year, Eckerd, is also on the list for this year. Sometimes it gets tempting to have him send in an app... he's "ready" mentally to be going now. I suppose he doesn't actually have enough credits to do so... but teenager-wise - he's ready... FWIW, I think he'd do just fine in classes too, but most places will want those credits and he still has some to go his senior year.

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My guy's current top choice for next year, Eckerd, is also on the list for this year. Sometimes it gets tempting to have him send in an app... he's "ready" mentally to be going now. I suppose he doesn't actually have enough credits to do so... but teenager-wise - he's ready... FWIW, I think he'd do just fine in classes too, but most places will want those credits and he still has some to go his senior year.



Oh Creekland, he's your last to go! Hold on to him!!


PP, thanks for the Rider info. It's on our list. Next up is my 10th grade baseball player, who also happens to be slightly dyslexic. A few great options for him are on that list. In fact, in two weeks, he will be visiting his first schools before picking up oldest ds from his Ohio college. It's not really a good time, since students aren't on campus, so I'm not sure which ones to pick. Maybe Wooster? Maybe Juniata or Susquehanna or Allegheny? A couple of those would be reaches for him, unless he picks things up in his junior year.


With my oldest, we looked at Swarthmore first. Every school we visited after that was compared to Swarthmore. :D

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Oh Creekland, he's your last to go! Hold on to him!!



True - and one more year at home will give him more time to mature, but I often get the feeling that we are holding him back some. He has oodles of experiments going on including things like attempting an underwater garden (growing cool crops in bottles in our pond in an attempt to see if he can get them to produce nicely through the hotter summer). It's fun watching his "out of the box" brain work, but at times I wonder how much more he could do/try at a hands on school with more facilities.


Middle son has accepted two awesome lab/research jobs at URoc for the summer (will keep one into the fall), so I guess it just has me wondering how much we are holding them back with our rural location (no real research opps around here). My guys also don't really have peers around here. They have friends - several friends. They don't have others who share their love of delving into science more than hypothetically.

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True - and one more year at home will give him more time to mature, but I often get the feeling that we are holding him back some.



Actually, I know exactly what you mean. I have two like this.


Its always difficult to know the right thing to do.




ETA: deleted some of my post; had nothing to do with OP's original topic

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kinda surprised that Embry-Riddle Aeronautical is not filled. That is a good engineering school



It is a good school and there were other good ones in Florida too including Eckerd and New College of Florida. There are good schools on the list every year. It is really just a statistical thing. Every year colleges admit many more applicants than they have room for and then they just wait and guess about the "yield". It is kind of a disaster when more students accept the offer than expected because that can mean running out of aid and dorm rooms. So, enrollment management walks a pretty fine line trying to balance getting enough students without getting too many and that's why every year there are good schools on the list. Kind of like when you plan a birthday party for your kid and you wait around nervously on RSVPs - I'd hate that job!

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ETA: deleted some of my post; had nothing to do with OP's original topic


Since when does that matter??? ;)


It is a good school and there were other good ones in Florida too including Eckerd and New College of Florida. There are good schools on the list every year. It is really just a statistical thing. Every year colleges admit many more applicants than they have room for and then they just wait and guess about the "yield". It is kind of a disaster when more students accept the offer than expected because that can mean running out of aid and dorm rooms. So, enrollment management walks a pretty fine line trying to balance getting enough students without getting too many and that's why every year there are good schools on the list. Kind of like when you plan a birthday party for your kid and you wait around nervously on RSVPs - I'd hate that job!


:iagree: Middle son's school had too many decide to come (by about 8%). It's going to make housing an issue and will likely make them admit less students next year. If they guess wrong that year... who knows (although, they usually have a waitlist they can draw from). Trying to figure out the numbers is not a job I'd want... in these days when kids sometimes apply to 15 or more colleges - yet can only still attend one - it can be a really tough thing to figure out yield.

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It is kind of a disaster when more students accept the offer than expected because that can mean running out of aid and dorm rooms.


In my freshman year of college the school accepted too many and put them into "temporary housing," which meant they filled up the dorm floors' student lounges with bunkbeds until rooms were available from student attrition. There were no locks or privacy. Some guys I knew were stuck in their lounge for a long time; the last guy in their lounge didn't get out of there until after Thanksgiving.

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