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TWTM Cliff's Notes for Spouse?

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So in my house I do all the research, choose all the curriculum, and do all the teaching. My husband is very supportive of what we do, but he is really just a bystander. I would love to be able to discuss curriculum choices and methods with him, because it's always good to have a sounding board, but I know there is no way if I hand him The Well-Trained Mind that he would read it. He's just not a reader. Sadly, I'm also not very good at summarizing it in such a way that makes much sense to him.


So what I'm hoping you can help me with is pointing me in the direction of something shorter than book length that would give him an overview of classical education a la TWTM. Or if someone here could give me a nice succinct summary that I could pass on to him, I would be so appreciative. I just really want to involve him without overwhelming him. Thanks in advance!!

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So in my house I do all the research, choose all the curriculum, and do all the teaching. My husband is very supportive of what we do, but he is really just a bystander. I would love to be able to discuss curriculum choices and methods with him, because it's always good to have a sounding board, but I know there is no way if I hand him The Well-Trained Mind that he would read it. He's just not a reader. Sadly, I'm also not very good at summarizing it in such a way that makes much sense to him.


So what I'm hoping you can help me with is pointing me in the direction of something shorter than book length that would give him an overview of classical education a la TWTM. Or if someone here could give me a nice succinct summary that I could pass on to him, I would be so appreciative. I just really want to involve him without overwhelming him. Thanks in advance!!


LOL, I could've written this post!


I'll have to listen to the audio recording with hubby. If he can sit still that long.

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hmm.....my conversation would be something like this:


Me: "Well its about......Are you playing with your phone?"


DH: "No, I'm listening, go ahead.."


Me: *bounces* "Well, its this great....ARE you paying attention, or listening to something on your phone?"


DH: "I'm listening"


Me: "Give the phone to me, please" *takes phone*


Me: "So, the book I was re.."


DH: "Whose a cute dog!" *pats one of our dogs*


Me: "DH! Pay attention!"


DH: "I'm listening..." *starts jiggling his leg, vastly distracting for me to think*


Me: "So it has this great philo...."


DH: "I need to go to the toilet" *walks away*


Me: *decides not to give up, and follows DH, determined to make him hear "This book..."


DH: "Look, honey, I'm sure its fabulous...whatever you think"


*End conversation*


Seriously, and my son is the exact same way. I have two 5yos. And no husband. :svengo:

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Eccelcticmum, that's exactly how it goes at our house!!


So he did listen to it on the way to and from work today, and so far the only thing he's mentioned that he got from it is that if the kids cry about a subject every time you bring it out, you should ditch what you're using. Which is ironic since the one thing my kids cry about is WWE.


And sadly I can't find a local homeschool group to have park days with, so the hubs is the best I can do. I'll keep chipping away at him. :)

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As far as my husband is concerned, there are a few reasons he isn't that interested in the details.


One, he says that he can see that whatever I've been doing is working well, so he doesn't know what he could tell me to do better. (He gets brownie points for that one. lol)


Two, since I'm the one home with the kids and actually using everything, then what I think about it is more important than anything else, and it doesn't really matter what he thinks, since he isn't the one who is going to be using it.


And three, every. single. time. I try to discuss curriculum with him, as soon as he gives me feedback or his opinion, I proceed to tell him why his opinion wouldn't work. And he's right. That is what happens. But he's ok with that, and he will regularly humor me and let me use him as a sounding board. He's also really good about being supportive and frequently affirming what I'm doing. He knows I like hearing it, and he knows it helps me keep plugging along.


He just doesn't get all worked up and excited about it all like I do, for the reasons mentioned above.

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Wow, OP, I can't believe your dh agreed to listen to it. Mine gets this deer in the headlights look as soon as I mention curricula.



I know this look!!!!! It is a glazed look that turns into an eye-darting look - looking for a way out!!!! (Fortunately, he will humor me every once in a while.)

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Let's see....are we men more (or less) likely to enjoy wifely affections if we interfere with her curriculum choices and teaching techniques?


OK, that was easy question, got anymore?


If you don't enjoy having your eyes scratched out is it better to: a) Jump in and "take charge" in the fashion our gender is soooo good at? or b ) feign a look of bewilderment and pick some supplicating words that appear supportive (and self-distancing)?


Men: Smarter than we look :D



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