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Oh the friendship of a horse and the beauty when they bond with you! Pics and Videos :)


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I'm really enjoying my little Arab, Luka (I say little-he stand 14.3 which is little for some, but a very good size for a shorty like me lol). He is a sweet horse and is really learning a lot and working well with me. We had a ride last weekend and my friend took some photos. This was only his fourth ride off property since I got him in January. I normally judge the obstacles on our club rides, so I don't often get many photos of me riding, but she got one and a few of he and I. He just turned 5.


He loves to jump things and I hope that she'll be able to get some of him jumping next time. A lady I rode with on Saturday, really liked how he looked jumping. She rode jumpers for years (and is training her new 5 yr old Thoroughbred to do so). She kept saying that he seemed to really love it and had nice form for being untrained for it at this point.


Here are the links. I can't paste the photos here.


In this one I'm the gal on the bay with the hot pink shirt on.



Waiting at a tree for me to finish judging. His is a loud fella though. Screams like a stud when the horses/riders leave to continue with their ride. It is good for him; he'll learn that we'll see them again. No need to keep screaming lol:





He and I after taking down the trail markers (which are the ribbons around my neck). He didn't care one bit that I had this flapping on me.



Just to show you how loud he is, lol.



And a video of him moving out :)


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He looks like such a nice fella. I like them around 14.2 hands too. I can't even get on my Arabian. He's too tall for me at three yrs.


You really hit the jackpot with Luka!


I think I hit the jackpot too :) He really is good about stuff. I did get him a new bit which has almost eliminated the tongue rolling, hanging out, mouthing of the bit. It was absolutely hilarious to watch (he does this tongue thing when he's tied), but because he worked his tongue so much and mouthed the bit so much, I decided to try a different one. I got a Myler comfort snaffle combo (works off nose/chin/poll then mouth). But right now we've got it on the regular o ring. I have two other rings below for the other options. He is very sensitive to things (except if he pulls back when being tied...he'll either sit on the pressure or pull a bit and then sit?! Weirdo- we're working on that right now and he is getting better. Otherwise he's great when tied.


Anyways. I have my other main horse Jeaux who is 16.1. He's a big boy to get up on, lol

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So nice. My 11 year old just got a Saddlebred/Quarter Horse for her birthday. He has stolen her heart and she loves him to pieces. He, however, was having a little trouble with the adjustment. 3 weeks later and he follows her anywhere. She rides him everyday and its a bond for life. He is big at 16.1 hands, but is such a good boy.

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Whoa! He's got some volume on him!


Arabians have something no other breed has. I'm really missing my little bay mare, trading her was a bad idea. Quarter horses may be solid and dependable but there's just something about those Arabs. Thank goodness I've still got one and a half in my pasture.

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So nice. My 11 year old just got a Saddlebred/Quarter Horse for her birthday. He has stolen her heart and she loves him to pieces. He, however, was having a little trouble with the adjustment. 3 weeks later and he follows her anywhere. She rides him everyday and its a bond for life. He is big at 16.1 hands, but is such a good boy.


I have a NSH/QH cross. National Show Horses are Saddlebred/Arabian crosses:) He's my big boy also at 16.1. I love his goofy self though.

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Whoa! He's got some volume on him!


Arabians have something no other breed has. I'm really missing my little bay mare, trading her was a bad idea. Quarter horses may be solid and dependable but there's just something about those Arabs. Thank goodness I've still got one and a half in my pasture.


I've got 2 Qh's and while I love them, Luka is just a fun horse to have. He is goofy, sensitive/responsive (I can just barely touch his side and he moves over). He is curious...about everything. He will act silly, but so far under saddle has been a joy to ride. He's still quite green broke for anything outside the show ring. He doesn't mind flapping things and sounds don't bother him, but ditches, mud, downed trees, tall grass, oil rigs, etc are new things to him and most of them require jumping, lol.

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They are very sensitive! My half is so high strung that I don't let anyone else but one of my boys handle her. She got it from her SE sire. Our full Arab is Khemosabi bred and a bit quieter although he still knows how to time travel.


I want to see a pic of your Arab cross.

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They are very sensitive! My half is so high strung that I don't let anyone else but one of my boys handle her. She got it from her SE sire. Our full Arab is Khemosabi bred and a bit quieter although he still knows how to time travel.


I want to see a pic of your Arab cross.


Luka spooked this weekend at the ride, but just gave me a tiny jump to the left about 2 inches; almost a spook in place really. Then later that day a friend came up from the woods behind us and he wasn't really paying attention. When he did finally hear her and her horse, he wheeled around so fast in place that it scared the mess out of me! He just stood there and snorted, lol. I laughed afterwards, but everyone was giggling at my squeal when it happened, lol!


This is Jeaux (the NSH/QH) and my DD.






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Such a beautiful horse!


Luka spooked this weekend at the ride, but just gave me a tiny jump to the left about 2 inches; almost a spook in place really. Then later that day a friend came up from the woods behind us and he wasn't really paying attention. When he did finally hear her and her horse, he wheeled around so fast in place that it scared the mess out of me! He just stood there and snorted, lol. I laughed afterwards, but everyone was giggling at my squeal when it happened, lol!


This is Jeaux (the NSH/QH) and my DD.







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He's a beauty! Is that a hackamore?

Yes. He rides in a halter or hackamore. He's very responsive. I'd like to start switching Luka to one. Right now I'm using a myler comfort snaffle 3 ring combo. I really like it and he seems to as well. It can work on the nose and jaw, poll and mouth last depending on which ring you use. Right now I'm using it on the o-ring with just the bit since he is used to working in a bit.

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My 16dd has a 1/2 Arab and he is still our spooky ooky one. He though is a great trail horse almost all of the time but finds that occ. horse eating object like a sock in the grass or butterfly that requires some minor teleporting. I bought him for myself but as a mom in her 40s I wanted something a bit quieter. He though is our more willing and responsive horse.


My horse is a tank (that we found out yesterday can really run if he wants) and isn't very sensitive. Works great for trail riding but he would never succeed at showmanship or fine riding movements.

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Sigh, such nice healthy looking horses.


We rescued an older Arabian for my daughter last year. He is such a gentleman. But we're having to work really really really hard to keep weight on him. He's been wormed. He's seen the vet. Nothing is wrong. But the recommendation is to NOT ride him because he's so skinny and just can get his weight back on. Vet checked his teeth but nothing obviously wrong. If he still hasn't gained in a month the vet will do blood work and sedate him for a better look at his teeth.


She had plans to show him at fair, ground work only. She'd planned to take him to 4H horse camp.


And we're deep in quarter horse country here so a healthy Arabian isn't even going to get the love. So she's really discouraged because all she's ever heard about him is negative, negative, negative.


He's being fed rice bran, canola oil and steamed rolled oats twice a day in addition to hay and grazing.


Anyone have suggestions? Other than another horse, of course. DD loves her boy. And he adores her.

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He's being fed rice bran, canola oil and steamed rolled oats twice a day in addition to hay and grazing.


Anyone have suggestions? Other than another horse, of course. DD loves her boy. And he adores her.


Can I join in the horsey conversation? :)


Sorry - I can't help much - I have the opposite problem. My draft cross mare looks like she's about to have twins. She gets hay, a salt block, a mineral block, and water. That's it. And I ration her hay. I think drafts must be able to live on air.


I hear what you're all saying about the bonding and the love, though. This mare had AWFUL ground manners when I got her - she would just bulldoze through anyone or anything - plus she's dumb as a post. But I love her to pieces. 'Cause no one else would. :D

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Gah, I have a horrible time keeping weight on my young Arab. He's with two Qhs and two ponies. Looks like an abused child.

Thanks for sharing that. I was thankful the vet could see his fat his barn buddies, an old appaloosa, shetland pony, and donkey. We aren't shorting them!


He's second in command here and we feed him separately twice a day.


Any recommendations on how to fatten him up in time for fair and horse camp? Camp is a month away.

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We have rehabbed several older horses in very poor condition (body score less than 2). The formula that works best here is 1/2 shredded beet pulp and 1/2 senior feed soaked with warm water for a few minutes to make a nice mash. We also add Ultimate Finish which is a high fat supplement.


With our most underweight guy we were feeding him this mash 4 times a day. Our pony mare now gets it 3 times a day. I give 1 big McDonalds plastic cup of beet pulp and 1 of senior mixed together. You can go up to a scoop of each several times a day. Just wet it down for a bit first and start out slowly and then add more. You don't want to risk a colic by chaning their feed too fast.


The other thing, did they check for ulcers? That can cause weight issues in a horse and Arabs tend to be a bit more high strung and sensitive.

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We have rehabbed several older horses in very poor condition (body score less than 2). The formula that works best here is 1/2 shredded beet pulp and 1/2 senior feed soaked with warm water for a few minutes to make a nice mash. We also add Ultimate Finish which is a high fat supplement.


With our most underweight guy we were feeding him this mash 4 times a day. Our pony mare now gets it 3 times a day. I give 1 big McDonalds plastic cup of beet pulp and 1 of senior mixed together. You can go up to a scoop of each several times a day. Just wet it down for a bit first and start out slowly and then add more. You don't want to risk a colic by chaning their feed too fast.


The other thing, did they check for ulcers? That can cause weight issues in a horse and Arabs tend to be a bit more high strung and sensitive.



I agree, soaked beet pulp is great for them and senior feed is a good complete feed (meaning you don't have to give hay, but you'll be feeding more of the feed if you don't).


Luka gets a fat supplement twice a day with his feed. Just enough to keep him filled out and healthy looking. My big NSH gets it as well, but he gets a bit more. They are on turnout 24/7 with barn access when they please

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